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Saturday, January 09, 2016

Mathias to focus on relationships during leg. session

State Sen. Jim Mathias (D-38) is heading into his second term in the General Assembly, and he’s coming armed with a number of prefiled bills, including a cost estimate and payment plan for a third bay crossing, allowing for a sales tax exception for utilities on homeowner-association-owned property and new carbon monoxide notification requirements.

Mathias is on a number of committees and subcommittees, including the executive nomination committee, finance committee, joint committees on ending homelessness and administrative, executive and legislative review, as well as the chair of joint committee on the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area and the select committee on the Eastern Shore. He is also a member of the Veteran’s caucus.

“I’m there to work on relationships. There’s only one of me, but you need 24 in the Senate and 71 in the House — that’s what it takes. You can have the best legislation and lobbyists but you need the right relationships — that’s the No. 1 order of business,” he said. “Both branches have to collaborate — that’s the beginning, middle and end of what we do.” 



  1. Oh yeah,search out the other cronies and crooks. Got a big bill coming up on where the drug farm is going. Biggest politician of all time, and thats no compliment.l

  2. It's time to start acting like you're from the Eastern Shore and not just another Annapolis democrat. Your constituents don't like your voting record. I suggest you change parties and attitude or retire.

  3. Wrong. Jim is going into his THIRD term in the legislature, not second. He served in the house of delegates before being elected senator.

  4. “I’m there to work on relationships" - Another way of saying I'm not picking up the bar tab.

  5. Every time I see this guy's face I see weasels and snakes. I see ego oozing and deception dripping. This is the face of self serving evil.

  6. Jim, I hope you are sincere about this statement regarding relationships. You represent a conservative area and we need you to work together with the area's other public servants to do what the area wants and needs. That is the only way you will be re-elected and we want you to be so.

  7. Jim Mathias does not represent Eastern Shore values. He sold out Somerset County for 600'+ wind turbines that will raise electricity costs, an now he is planning wind turbines off Ocean City's coast.

  8. how about working with the rest of the reps. from here to reduce taxes and regulations. that would be a start...

  9. Every time I see his face, I remember how he shamelessly used the tragic death of his wife to garner sympathy and votes.

  10. Mathis for governor 2018

  11. Mathias for Governor 2018 . . . I think not!!!

    The guy is unqualified to run anything . . . take OC as a prime example. Look at their run-a-way budgets. Look at how the OC residents are held as slaves to a system that has gone a muck. The OC Municipal workers are held to collective bargaining agreements - while the taxpayers bare the burden. If you don't believe me - you try owning a property in the Town limits and it will practically bankrupt you.

    Mathias is for Mathias - always has been and always will be. If I were you - I would be looking for another representative.

  12. Relationships? You mean he is going to cheat again? Par for the course.


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