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Sunday, January 03, 2016

Martin O’Malley Had One Person Show Up to a Campaign Event

It’s tough being former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley these days. O’Malley, who often reminds Americans that he’s running for the Democratic Party’s 2016 presidential nomination, went on a four-city tour of Iowa on Monday, only to be met with painfully low turnout from potential caucus-goers. His final stop of the night, in the tiny burg of Tama, might have yielded the harshest picture yet of his straggling campaign: only one person showed up, and not even a guaranteed supporter.

“The very last event of the night we had one person, but by God he was glad to see me,” O’Malley told MSNBC on Tuesday morning.

The single voter who showed up, whom an Iowa television station later identified as “Kenneth,” might not have been as thrilled as O’Malley claims—the former governor also told MSNBC he’s “working on” getting Kenneth’s support for the February 1 caucus, which kicks off the presidential-nominating process.



  1. I love that he now gets to see what the people really feel about him and his politics. Its time for Omalley to hang it up. I do love him getting kicked and staying in the race and constantly get beat down.

  2. More support than he deserves.

  3. Maybe now Martin you can see what people really think of you and your policies? Hint, it's not much. Please do us all a favor -- find a new calling in your life other than politics ! You are not the leader the people are seeking and your policies are not what the people want.

  4. He wants his friend "Hil" to give him a job. Another reason I would NEVER support her. She is cut from the same cloth as Marty.

  5. Total misunderstanding of politics here.He is currently being compensated to remain in the race to avoid allowing the debates to continue with only 2 candidates.The goal is for at least 3 to debate until the nomination has been made,and the only debate suitable for only 2 candidates is the actual Republican/Democrat debate that will decide the presidency.O'Malley is not under the illusion that he has a chance.

  6. "Kenneth" should be embarrassed...

  7. "Kenneth" should be embarrassed..."

    Only if he made a commitment before he left.
    Apparently he didn't.

  8. Hey Marty, hear that noise in the background? It's the sound of the "FAT Lady" singing just for you. Bye and good riddance from The Eastern Shore


  9. Kenneth's GPS needs updating!

    After listening to OweMalley at that close a distance he'd need scrubbing by a HazMat team before being allowed back on the streets.

  10. was the one person mentioned Jim Ireton? - lol

  11. Making his name and face known for VP shot with Hillary OR for 2024 run.

  12. It's amazing that one person showed up. That's one more than I would've ever thought could muster up the courage to back a sinking ship. Constituents really need to look at records before backing candidates. Example. Look what O'Malley did to Baltimore before going on with his wrecking ball demolition to the state of Maryland... and now, he believes (as well as some of his cronies) that he's ready to take that same wrecking ball to the entire nation. Haven't we had enough of this liberal demolition project to dismantle America?

  13. Stop living off of the government and get a job you leech. Find out what's like to have to work for a living and see you taxes go higher and higher.

  14. Watching his ego get deflated is nice. Maybe now he will understand that people were NOT and are not happy with him and his policies.


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