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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Maine High School Secretly Recruited Students for Hillary Clinton

South Berwick: Marshwood High School secretly recruited students to volunteer for Hillary Clinton, behind the parents back, and unethically against public typical school ordinances which require schools to steer free and clear of mixing political agendas with students.

Students at Marshwood High School in South Berwick, Maine, received an email from the Clinton campaign – urging them to sign up for positions as unpaid “fellows”.

“Hillary for New Hampshire is looking for smart, energetic winter fellows who are committed to winning the New Hampshire primary for Hillary Clinton,” read the email from a campaign staffer. “Everyone working on the campaign now started off as a fellow at some point so it is a great way of getting a different skill set whilst helping an important cause.”

According to the principal, students need to perform 50 hours of community service to graduate, and they were simply passing the email along as an option for fulfilling that requirement.



  1. Be a good little commie and volenteer

  2. Hit 'em while their young - just like Germany circa 1932.

  3. That principal is undoubtedly a liberal Democrat and IMHO has violated the school ordinances mentioned. For s/he knows full well it's a political endorsement.

  4. Community service is something that helps the community and its residents in an immediately demonstrable and desirable way.
    This is not community service. This is baloney.


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