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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

JUST IN: Oregon protest leader Ammon Bundy arrested; 1 killed

One person was killed as authorities arrested a group of people -- including Ammon Bundy -- involved with the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, the FBI and Oregon State Police said.

The deceased individual, who has not been identified, was the subject of a federal probable cause arrest, officials said.

Those arrested include Bundy, who has led the armed occupation; his brother, Ryan Bundy; and Brian Cavalier, Shawna Cox and Ryan Waylen Payne, authorities said.

The arrests took place along Highway 395.

Shots were fired, authorities said. They did not say who fired first.


  1. It seemed like this might evolve into some meaningful but instead they squandered all the press that they received. They could have gone into that building with other activists and come out a week or two later with a list of demanded reforms for the Government. Just occupying a building with no action, no plans and only one narrow regional issue accomplished nothing.

  2. The government should work for the people.r

  3. 12:58 Waco???? more like Wacko.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    12:58 Waco???? more like Wacko.

    January 27, 2016 at 6:58 AM

    I know, but maybe you will change one day

  5. It blows my mind some people think these people are crazy. Granted they should of had a better plan instead of trespassing on Federal property, but that is really all they are doing wrong...is trespassing.

    If they were getting paid by uncle sam to protect peoples rights they are call heros. Not wacko's.

    So in your world anyone who stands up against tyranny is crazy. I feel so sorry for you that you think the almighty government is always right and no one should question them or stop their crimes.

    What if the fellas that wrote our CONSTITUTION were as weak and scared as you. We would all sing God Save The Queen instead of The Star Spangled Banner.



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