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Sunday, January 03, 2016

Jimmy Likes To Be A Tease


  1. Looks like proof to me that Jim Ireton is going to try to run for Congress.

  2. Aw, How Sweet! He's waiting to get his mother's permission to run for Congress! I wonder if she gave him permission to run from Cops in Rehomo Beach!

  3. This guy just loves to be called a politician. What a dork.

    Congress has the lowest approval ratings ever and this guy can't wait to get there and dumb it down even more.

    This is the problem folks.

    People like us just sit here and complain about twits like Ireton running for Congress, but at least he's got the motivation to do something, albeit for all the wrong reasons.

    I wish we had more fiscally conservative young people coming up the ranks, but everywhere you look, it's all liberals working for the government.

  4. Does Jim Beaus handlers realize this congressional district is heavily conservative?

  5. He could not even take care of City of Salisbury. It is really scary what the United States would be like if he was in Congress. What a Joke!!!!!

  6. Now that he is in the public eye again let the character assassinations begin! I knew 2016 was going to be a fun year.

  7. Tinker Bell with his marshmellow buddies have NO CHANCE!!!

  8. Another rutting Bob Bauman., we're about to be branded DelMarVa.


  9. Anonymous said...

    This guy just loves to be called a politician. What a dork.

    Congress has the lowest approval ratings ever and this guy can't wait to get there and dumb it down even more.

    This is the problem folks.

    People like us just sit here and complain about twits like Ireton running for Congress, but at least he's got the motivation to do something, albeit for all the wrong reasons.

    I wish we had more fiscally conservative young people coming up the ranks, but everywhere you look, it's all liberals working for the government.

    December 28, 2015 at 10:01 AM

    Jimbeau has his own Wikipedia page and I think he made it himself.

    1. Not exactly young, but surely fiscally conservative and practical, Debbie Campbell stood up for regular people in Salisbury. Most of the voters bought the empty promises of Ireton and Day. What a shame. She was cottage onus enough to try to make a difference.

  10. I can't wait till ole Cream Puff really starts to campaign so we can read all the dirt on him again.

  11. Just proof that Jim Ireton just ran for council for a paycheck he will not earn. If elected to Congress, he will spend all his time campaigning for the next election.

    He should be recalled for dereliction of duty.


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