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Sunday, January 17, 2016

It is impossible to hate something that doesn't exist.


  1. As an atheist I do not hate God, nor do I look down on religious people. There are those that do, and I will be the first to tell them that they are wrong to do so, many of my friends are religious and I respect that. I do disagree with the statement in this picture, it's a sweeping statement that makes a lot of incorrect assumptions, and you know what happens when you assume, but I do not hate the man for saying it. I do hate him for wearing his cellphone on his belt though, some things are just universally wrong, no matter what God you pray to.

  2. No we hate the fact that it's 2016 and people still find it necessary to believe in fictional beings and try to push those views on others.

  3. 2:30 time to put on your big boy panties. If God makes you upset then you need help.

  4. 2:30 am

    But it does not bother you that queer marriage is pushed on everyone.

    Typical lib, selective outrage.

  5. I have never heard a peep out of any Christian pushing for legislation to make Christianity anything that's required.

  6. 1:42, then why are Atheists suing to have the words "In God We Trust" removed from our money?

    Because you love us and respect our beliefs?

    1. No, because they're a bunch of jerks who happen to be atheists, that would rather trifle with harmless references than come out and confront the much larger and more dangerous issues.

  7. I am a conservative, and an atheist. The ONLY thing atheist means, is that you do not accept the assertions and claims of theists. That's it. No more, no less. It makes no claims, has no manifesto, no clergy, no holy doctrines, nothing.

    Theist like to use the strawman argument that atheists hate whatever deity they happen to revere, and this is just not true. Atheists don't appreciate being marginalized, and having religion shoved down their throats.

    I do get particularly irritated at Christians screaming about persecution when 75% of this nation is Christian. When I drive home I pass 30+ Christian churches. There overwhelming majority of politicians and judges are Christians. Where I work, the leadership has bible verses framed and hanging in their offices, and religious talk is common.

    Yet, if I was open about being Atheist I would probably loose my job.

    My child can't go to Scouts if he is Atheist when he's old enough. Getting day care where we live is almost impossible because most of the better ones are religiously based and won't have an atheists child in their midst... we get the "we'll put you on the list", yet never get the call.

    When my wife's family found out that I was Atheist (after 15 plus years) we were treated with scorn, yet nothing was different about us. I just never put my atheism in their face, so they never knew. Yet I respected their prayers at family get togethers, never pushed back when they had religious conversations, and attended church family functions when they wanted to go. We have a family member who buys stocks as a gift when new children are born in the family, but he didn't give my children any unless we would christen our children.

    You see I don't hate God. What I hate is how atheists are treated. I hate religion trying to be ratcheted into everything. I hate hearing Christians claim persecution, yet it's totally ok to marginalize and persecute those who aren't them.

  8. @7:43

    In God We Trust was added to our money in the 1950's during the red scare to separate ourselves from the Communists.

    The quote is exclusionary, and does not represent all Americans, also, I argue it violates the establishment clause.

    How about this, why does the quote on the money have to be one about any gods? Why not just E Pluribus Unum? Can you give a reason that the quote on any public building has to be a religious one?

  9. There is one 8:39 it's called Unitarian Universalist.

  10. If I were an atheist I would be scared to death these days.
    I'm fortunate to believe in God and his savior Jesus Christ.

  11. @8:49

    I'm atheist, what should I be scared of?

    I don't believe in the extortion like "protection" scam of the deity no one has provided evidence for ever... nor do I nor do YOU believe in the threats of differing religions.

    To help you understand, you are not afraid of the apocalypse claims of Islam are you? Much the same I don't fear your religions claims.

    While the threats you made make you feel warm and fuzzy, and will generate much whooping and high fiving from your camp, the mean nothing, and do nothing to help your cause. Worse, from my perspective, the belittle your faith claims to nothing more than extortion and fear mongering... which tends to fly in the face of the whole your deity is love and loves you, doesn't it?

    1. If you hate the American way of life and the word God Move to Syria.

  12. @9:38

    The American way of life is not a theocracy, last time I checked. The American way of life protects someones religious persuasion. In fact, telling someone to get out because they want to exercise their Constitutionally protected freedoms, seems, well, a bit "un-American" to me.

    In fact, I think we call people in other theocratic countries who do what you suggest to their citizens that don't walk lock step with the state religion "terrorists".

    I'd hate to have to compare or associate you with terrorists, but I think I have a fair good platform to stand on to suggest that what you asserted is exceptionally, Un-American.

  13. Ray Comfort is a Jew for Christ, at least a half Jew for Christ because his father was a gentile. He is also admirably very smart and has made a lot of money keeping people at each others' throats.

    As far as our In God we Trust slogan goes, I like to ask people if God should return and tell you to abandon the U.S. would you give up your Republic Independent citizenship with its personal freedoms to follow the lord, the King of Kings and do his bidding or would you remain faithful to your country since so many claim loyalty to both.

  14. I love my God and my God loves me. If you don't believe thats to bad, but if you ever need him just give your life to him because he loves you also.

  15. I never hear or see Christians pushing their religion on anyone but I do see Atheists attacking Christians and trying to force their beliefs on everyone. Atheists have nothing to believe in...Maybe it's they who don't exist !

  16. @ 9:49

    How about Fox news war on Christmas, boycotts on stores that won't say what you want them to, forcing prayers and religious Iconography in government public areas, forcing God into buildings and on the money, ratcheting non science into classroom, rewriting history books to be more Christiany...... Just a few examples.

    How can you possibly posit your absurd assertion?


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