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Thursday, January 07, 2016

Hillary Promises to 'Get Down to the Bottom' of Area 51, UFOs

If elected president, Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton told reporter Daymond Steer of New Hampshire's The Conway Daily Sun that she will investigate Area 51 and UFO's.

"Yes, I'm going to get down to the bottom of it," Clinton told Steer enthusiastically, Mediaite reports.

Not only did her husband, President Bill Clinton, comment in 2014 that he "wouldn't be surprised" if we've already been visited by aliens, but Hillary agreed by adding, "I think we may have been [visited already]. We don't know for sure."



  1. Thanks anyway Hillary.., but I'll stay in the dark if it means having you in the WH.

  2. POTUS has no control over those secret operations. It is all run by unelected secret government employees.

  3. She is from that area, she is a creepy alien from another world. A world where Lying is held in high esteem, and getting people killed thru negligence gets you moved into more power.

  4. Hey liar while you're at it how about getting Obama's college records unsealed. And, his required Selected Service registration, his marriage license, and his daughters birth certificates. This woman is a basket case.

  5. If there's a dollar in it for the Foundation, she wants to know. Heck, she'll probably be the first to hit extraterrestrials up for campaign contributions.

  6. After Obama leaves office, he'll claim Kenyan or Malaysian citizenship and go there to avoid prosecution.

  7. Oh, scary. Her eyes in this picture look like snake eyes.

  8. the first thing she needs to do after becoming queen of America is to seek a plastic surgeon

  9. if the queen promises it u can count on it

  10. The secret govt staff would never allow her to know the truth of what goes on at Area 51. They know she would e-mail it to Chelsea and the Chinese and Russians would hack her server and steal top secret technology.

  11. She can't even get to the bottom of her stack of emails, she isn't going to skim the surface of Area 51.


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