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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Hillary: I'd Appoint Obama to Supreme Court

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is open to the idea of nominating President Barack Obama for a seat on the Supreme Court, she said Tuesday, responding to a question at an Iowa town hall.

“I will certainly take that under advisement,” she said in Decorah, responding to a man’s recommendation. “I mean, he's brilliant, he can set forth an argument and he was a law professor, so he’s got lots of credentials.”

She acknowledged that there might be a few obstacles in the way, first and foremost whether Obama would want the job after eight years in the White House. “He may have a few other things to do,” she said, “but I’ll tell you, that’s a great idea.”



  1. I still like appointing him as Ambassador to Kenya.

  2. If he has so many credentials, pray tell, where are they?

  3. You'll need too appoint a lawyer first.

  4. You mean good Ole Barry Santos? ? The one who couldn't produce a birth certificate for 3 years. When he did it looked like a child filled it out. The guy who went to Harvard University but NO ONE remembered him.

  5. .....and he defends the Constitution.

  6. never gonna happen, even if she says so. They HATE each other, no love lost between the families.

  7. Do we really want a criminal appointing anyone to the Surpreme Court!

  8. Just another suck-up statement by Hillary. Anything to get the vote.

  9. wasn't his law license revoked ?

    if that's indicative of her judgment, then woe is us if she gets elected

  10. And let me guess, Satan for Secretary of State, oh wait, that's been done.

  11. Obama was disbarred. What makes her think he's qualified for the Supreme Court other than court-packing FDR style? This woman will do anything to get herself nominated. Think she knows she's treading on very shaky ground.

  12. The SC doesn't need BHO., it's broken well enough as it is.

  13. All I can say is Duh!!!!!!!


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