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Monday, January 25, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s Denials Are Getting Old?

By Thornton Crowe

Watching the news and seeing Clinton’s continuous denials of any wrongdoing is getting old. She constantly changes her story and words to emanate that she has done nothing wrong even though it’s established fact that she was not allowed to use a private server for her emails dealing with State Department business. She is getting to the point of looking like her skirt-chasing hubby when he said, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman…”

Just because you repeat the same meme like some mindless robot, doesn’t make it so.

Who does she think she’s fooling? Her poll numbers are plummeting, Liberals are opting for the Socialist rantings of Bernie Sanders as opposed to staying in her camp and some spokespeople (celebrities) are being to distance themselves from her campaign. Doesn’t she see the writing on the wall or is she that saturated in the entitlement revelry that she has convinced herself she has some chance?

The Clintons have always enjoyed this bubble, leaving them free to do as they please regardless of laws, rules or regulations. An example is the money-laundering schema they have been enjoying with their charity (sic) the Clinton Foundation. Incidentally, her interviews don’t even broach that subject. Another issue not raised by most of the big MSM is her complete incompetence as Secretary of State and Benghazi.

Aren't these things important to people anymore? Do we really want criminals to continue to squat at 1600? Are we as voters so resigned and jaded to accept this from people meant to represent us in the world theater? Shouldn't our leader be held to a higher standard than the rest of us when it comes to integrity, abiding the law and possessing a sense of decency?

Does Hillary Clinton really represent the Silent Majority? I think not.

I know many think she has this primary in the bag, but I, for one, am waiting for the fat lady to sing before resigning to her possible presidency. I think her chickens are about to come back to haunt her – as they should. She is not immune to the law and should not be allowed to continue even in this primary. I fully agree with the others whom state she should be indicted of her crimes against the country and held accountable. The same goes for Bill Clinton, too.

How say you?


  1. JAIL. Throw away the key.

  2. Prison for the rest of her life, and throw away the key.

  3. To me, she's like those leftovers you find in Tupperware, way back in the middle shelf of the refrigerator: shriveled, oozing slime and we can't remember what it originally was or how it got there

  4. Think about it, even Nixon knew when it was time to pack it in and go home. What's this woman's problem? Can't she see the writing on the proverbial wall?

  5. After reading articles trying to scare Democrats away from Bernie Sanders, this Democrat will now staunchly support him.

    I know you Repubs hate him for being a "socialist," but he is a straight up one and he is right about single-payer healthcare. It would be MUCH better than this cluster called Obamacare, which was written in big part by Big Pharma and Big Insurance.

    FWIW, I agree with a lot of Republican positions. But too much talk on abortion, gays, blah blah blah, when we need focus on jobs, security, real healthcare, etc. Sanders seems like the only one who gives a damn about us disappearing middle classers.

  6. It's a sorry statement on the part of the democratic nominee for PRESIDENT that she must continually, almost on a daily basis, DENY that she is guilt of any crimes, bribery, lying, or perjury.
    THAT is the BEST candidate the democrats can produce???
    Worse, they feel no shame in it. It's like she is the uncle that no one wants to let watch their little kids --- they KNOW something is very wrong, but no one wants to come out and admit it.
    Its seems that, after looking at her long and amazing career of unscrupulous behaviors, pedophilia would be a step UP on the integrity chain for her.
    Keep cheering.

  7. I hope she can hold on until it's too late for anybody else but Sanders to run because I really don't think he could win.There are a few others who might be able to beat Sanders but if she stays in they will stay out. After she looses the election,primary or presidential then put that lying POS in prison.

  8. I think she actually believes her own lies. That makes her extremely dangerous to this country.

  9. Can anyone document any charity the Clinton Foundation has actually helped? Fed any poor? Sheltered any homeless? Built a school? Anything?

  10. Steve, but of course. It's called the Help the Clintons Get Rich and Flee the Country to Avoid Prosecution Fund. Haven't you heard of that one?


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