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Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Hey, Obama...


  1. The jails are so full , just keep your guns and don't be intimidated by this Hitler of modern times. Of course on the other hand he could release the bad guys to make room for us law abiding citizens.
    Either way , back in history a man said " I regret I have but 1 life to give for my country".

  2. Anything Obama does will change a year from now. Unless ignorant people go to the polls and elect Hillary.

  3. My bet is on the "ignorant people". They are counting on the young voters to turn out because too many of us older voters a far too familiar with the baggage that the Clinton's have to bring with them to the White House.

    Please older people, please educate the younger folks about the Clinton's so that they are not suckered into voting for Obama 3.0.

    Just my 2 cents and I am NOT wrong on this one!

  4. Too bad Obama's Daddy wasn't castrated before he was conceived lol

  5. It is just one more thing that Obama is doing to create a Socialist State: Gun Control-Remove people's ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way he is able to create a police state.

  6. Obama is, and has been, so very bad for our United States of America. Please young people, do not vote for Hillary, it will just be more of the same and even worse.

  7. Whatever you do, don't vote for any of the candidates for POTUS.

    They are all crooks.


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