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Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Citizens will have to ask permission to record police

The Arizona Senate is poised to pass a bill that will outlaw citizens from taking videos of police, even on their own private property.

“It is unlawful for a person to knowingly make a video recording of law enforcement activity,” SB 1054 reads, “if the person making the video recording does not have the permission of a law enforcement officer and is within twenty feet of where the law enforcement activity is occurring.”

The bill also states that an individual may not record police on their private property or in their homes unless they are twenty feet away from police or “from an adjacent room.” If a police officer determines the individual is “interfering in the law enforcement activity or that it is not safe to be in the area,” the officer may order “the person to step recording or to leave the area.”

Police routinely oppose citizens recording their activity and the proposed legislation will provide them with a legal loophole to shut down all video recording as interference in law enforcement activity.



  1. When did we go from protecting CTIZEN rights (and their power to keep their "leaders" in check) to protecting the government's "rights" (which are severely limited by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, supposedly) and punishing citizens who dare challenge their power??
    Being able to film or record ANY government employee (who do you think they WORK FOR??) at any time in public should not EVER be in question.
    ESPECIALLY with regard to those who have the legal authority to take your life, if necessary (and they have SO many good reasons to do that, apparently).
    Remember, THEY film and photograph US all the time.
    They have forgotten their place.
    Keep cheering.

  2. Bad move. Cops need to be held accountable.

  3. I generally agree that citizens should be able to record, but the technology to do that on the spur of the moment (ie- smartphones) is relatively new and creates some pertinent issues.
    I can understand when cops are trying to do their job and some obnoxious jerk starts to stick his cellphone into peoples' faces, or if people are in fairly close trying to get video and get in the cops way or put themselves in danger.
    Not defending the "Police State", but I'm sure there are two sides to this.

    1. No sides to this! One a side! The peoples!

  4. They work for us, we pay them. We are their employers. They need to be accountable to us.

    We have these rights, given to us by birth from our Maker.

  5. Cops have no more rights to "privacy" than do any other citizens. This will be overruled by the courts. Cops are carrying cameras nowadays and citizens are allowed to record, as well.

  6. That didn't take Imsane long to get out of his bunker and comment.....

  7. If one wants to achieve greatness, one must stop asking permission.

  8. I like it
    It is all about the PC issue
    About time law enforcement stops being PC
    There were no problems until Our current administration brought back
    racial tension.
    Let the cops do their jobs
    Who you gonna call when that guy breaks into your house or some pervert
    threatens your child.

  9. NICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let the cops do their job. If you do not have contact with the police as in my case. You really don't care. Mass shootings, thugs, rapist, democrats we need police.

    1. Why do we need police? To show up after the fact and write reports? Far and few between do police prevent or intervene crime before or as its happening!

  10. Great law, about time.

  11. 8:36 said "Who you gonna call when that guy breaks into your house or some pervert
    threatens your child."

    I am going to call the morgue to pick up his body.


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