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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Governor Hogan Asks Wicomico County To Help Clear Anne Arundel County Snow

Wicomico County is in a staging area right now just west of the Bay Bridge awaiting instructions as to which subdivision they will start in.

County Executive Culver was quick to respond to the Governor's request since Wicomico has been completely cleared. 

Governor Hogan is reimbursing the County for all expenses and I have been told it is really bad out there. Many neighborhoods have yet to receive any plow relief since the storm. 

As it stands, Wicomico County Roads Division is on hand and will return tomorrow with even more assistance. I was also told Somerset County is there with dump trucks transporting snow to certain staging areas as well. It's a team effort for sure. 


  1. Such a great decision! I know there are many people who are still stranded!! It's starting to be critical for some people as they are starting to run out of food as well as prescriptions they need to survive.

  2. Good working relationship between Governor and Bob - love it!

  3. Bravo!
    I think we picked a winner!

  4. Bobby continues to show the worlf why he was a much better choice than Rick Pollitt.

  5. Cooperation - something neither Pollitt nor Ireton ever understood.

    Kudos to Hogan and Culver, both class acts!

  6. A Governor who knows where Wicomico County is and who our leader is - imagine that! Good work Bob in building a relationship with our Governor. When he came to your swearing in, we knew that was a positive sign! So happy it is continuing. Nothing but good news for our county.

  7. Congratulations to the coordinators and drivers who took care of us. Thank you.

  8. Who says Rick Pollitt would not have sent people over?

  9. Having had work obligations in thee DC metro area last week, I can attest to the fact that the situation is quite difficult. I was finally able to leave yesterday, but prior to that time the developments all had roughly three feet of snow on them. This was a very good decision by our Governor Hogan and I applaud his efforts.


  10. Happy to help. Can we get our fair share of highway revenue back. Omalley stole it all for a metro only a select group in md will get to use

  11. 12:33 - Everyone who knows him well.

  12. Anybody run this by Marc Kilmer ??? Just saying.


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