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Saturday, January 02, 2016


GOP frontrunner not "conducive to the public good"

The British government is considering ‘excluding’ Donald Trump from entering the country. The announcement came in response to a recentpetition signed by 565,000 citizens calling for a Trump ban.

The UK Home Secretary, Theresa May, announced that she “may exclude” those who are not “conducive to the public good”.

A statement from the Home Office declared that “The Home Secretary may exclude a non-European Economic Area national from the UK if she considers their presence in the UK to be non-conducive to the public good.”

“Exclusion powers are very serious and are not used lightly. The Home Secretary will use these powers when justified and based on all available evidence.” The statement explained, adding that visiting the UK is a privilege and not a right.



  1. Don't worry about England. They will soon be over run with Muslims and will be begging us to help them AGAIN!!!

  2. Wait until the muslims take over england oops its already happening.

  3. So they'll be asking Gordon Brown to leave then? For those of you who don't know, he's the wanker that was formerly the British prime minister and who pillaged the country's pension system to pay foreign debt with no way to replenish the pensions.
    I think Trump would be the least of their problems.

  4. He would probablyth be fine with r hat as they probably banned some fine American Patriots back in the day also!!

  5. Michael Savage was also banned from entering the U.K. This is a purely political action from a libtard in the U.K government.
    The constitution in this country prevents things like that from happening here.
    The fact that we have a constitution that describes what the government is allowed to do rather than what it isn't is what make the United States the exception: hence the term American exception-ism.
    American exceptional-ism is something that Obummer either doesn't understand because he is too stupid or he doesn't want to understand as he is nothing more than a fascist that thinks the constitution is a hindrance to his goals.
    Be very very careful if you are thinking of voting for Hillary asshe is Obummer 2.0

  6. We will gladly keep Trump and you can take Obama.

  7. I don't remember Samuel Adams getting any invitations to the UK, either!

  8. The UK government is actually extremely conservative, they are just considering a petition submitted by the public. Trump has been unpopular in the UK ever since he tried to force people out of their homes in Scotland to build a golf course.


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