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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Fox News Worse than Liberal Media to Donald Trump

Donald Trump is boycotting Thursday’s final pre-Iowa GOP debate. And every Republican candidate should. Fox News is treating Trump worse than any liberal media outlet would–worse, even than John Harwood and CNBC.

Last week, moderator Megan Kelly convened a special panel of anti-Trump writers from National Review to mark the launch of their attack on Trump. This week, Fox News prepared for the debate by inviting a Muslim activist who has criticized Trump to be one of three YouTube personalities to question the candidates. And on Tuesday, as Trump considered whether to participate in the debate, Fox issued a petulant, snarky press statement mocking him:

We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings.



  1. Trump cannot be controlled by Roger Ailes the owner of Fox.

  2. I like a lot of Trump's ideas, but with this decision he has proven to be another Obama / Bush. Obama by not dealing with hard questions and blaming it on Fox News and whining since things are not going his way. He believes he is not in control and using his bully techniques against Fox. He has found out his demands were shot down by Fox. He is acting like Bush whining and crying because he screwed up. No longer considering Trump , since he has finally starting to show his "true colors". He would be another 4 years of Obama's dictatorship. People better open their eyes quick. Stated the same thing about Obama and I was told I was wrong / crazy. Now they are telling me how right I was.

    1. If you can't see this is a set up by Fox news and Rodger ailes then you need a shrink, I will be BOYCOTTING. Fox.

  3. The media as a whole is Jewish owned.

  4. No point in watching the debate if Trump is not there. I will watch the event he holds if it is televised.

  5. Trump just got my vote. We pretend that the Dems or the Repubs run the country. They don't. The most powerful voice in this country is that damn idiot box TV. It's time someone finally stood up to the media and put them on notice- Trump will do what Trump needs to do- he doesnt work for Fox, CBS, NBC, ABC, etc.

  6. Poor Trump the victim. Isn't Megan Kelly just an obstacle that he should learn how to overcome?

  7. I'm not sure who trapped whom.

    It will be interesting to see what the polls say about this in a week.

  8. "Isn't Megan Kelly just an obstacle that he should learn how to overcome?"

    Yes. And he just did. The MSM is collectively crapping their pants now because Trump just drew back the curtain the reveal that the Great and Powerful OZ of television is just a bunch of weasels and wimps. THEY, not us, have been crowing our rulers since 1963. The idiot box has been telling us who is "acceptable" and who is "too extreme" and we ate it up like passive little sheep. Im voting for Trump just so I can laugh my butt off when every pundit, reporter, and taste maker has a collective stroke.

  9. It is just like Trump calling out the reporter who used a partial quote from a past interview with Russert. The media parses and skews things to suit their own narrative. They are not honest brokers for the public. Trump is crass and inappropriate a lot of the time, but thank goodness he is shaking up the status quo. We need that done before we are nothing but sheep.

  10. Two Things Could Be TrueJanuary 28, 2016 at 12:14 AM

    Funny how Fox somehow got this reputation for being conservative. Remember back in the early part of the decade when Hannity has his nut job sidekick Colmes? You couldn't get more of a left winged nut other than Sanders. They invaded our living rooms from 9-10pm five nights a week. They still have Colmes on Fox making commentary saying the most asinine things I've ever heard other than the sound bytes a la Bernie. Colmes wrote a book called, Thank the Liberals for Saving America and Why You Should. What kind of title is that? So to say Fox is conservative is like saying that Ireton is ready for prime time Congress. Fair and balanced? That's just a cute catch phrase some Madison Ave. advertising agency made up for Murdoch. It should be changed to Bought and Paid For.

  11. I stand with Trump. He doesn't have to take it anymore from Kelly or Fox. The other candidates should stand with him too and not show up. But they won't.


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