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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Fox News finally responds to Donald Trump’s request to remove Megyn Kelly

Donald Trump stated that there was a conflict of interest in having Megyn Kelly work the debate. Fox finally responded.

Megyn Kelly has no conflict of interest,” the network said in a statement to The Hill. “Donald Trump is just trying to build up the audience for Thursday’s debate, for which we thank him.”

Trump tried to eliminate her because he likes to irritate the people he doesn’t like. Fox said no because watching her spar with Trump is great for ratings. It’s not really about debates, it’s about ratings.



  1. So, please advertise where to tune to listen to Trump so we don't have to bore ourselves with the groupie love kissy party Fox will be putting on. I'd rather listen to him shout out for wounded warriors than listen to losers talk about anti abortion issues.

  2. Except without Trump, ratings will be virtually nonexistent.....a very foolish decision by Fox.

  3. 9:26 Kinda could go either way. People may tune in to watch the debate FAIL without him. Watch for early numbers to be high and then plummet as people change the channel or go to bed.

  4. This is beyond hilarious! Fox is doing nothing but talking about Trump in light of this! Trump is getting more press over this than the debate will ever garner!

    This is a great opportunity for Ben Carson to shine on his own, and he and Trump can team up for the election and beat the poopy panties off the Berning Hitler race!

  5. Trump and Carson would make a killer ticket.

  6. Trump/ Carson all the way!

  7. They said what was most important to Fox. It's not about the candidates or the election, it's about the ratings. Well, guess what Fox, Trump just ate your lunch! He has said for years that the MSM has too much control over elections, polls, and public opinion. Fox doesn't care about you or me or our Country, they only care about their ratings. Perhaps they forgot who pays the bills, the advertisers.

  8. Two Things Could Be TrueJanuary 27, 2016 at 11:43 PM

    Same garbage answer that doesn't mean anything. Fox News is sweating it out. There are articles all over Breibart about Ales calling Ivanka and his wife trying to get him to go to the debate. He hung up on Hannity telling him he will only speak to Murdoch directly. It's turned into a real kicking match. Such drama!

  9. Truuuuump,Carson VP.

  10. Everyone is being played by Trump and Fox. Both entities love the attention and ratings this is generating. I've perused the other cable networks the past three days, and it appears that their primary story is.....what's going on with Trump, Fox and the debate? Competing cable networks, who have been chasing Fox News in the standings for the past decade, are now devoting large blocks of time in their news shows to what Trump & Fox "are" or "aren't" doing.

    Trump will write another book in about 10 years and reminisce about the time he and Roger Ailes at Fox put this "deal" together.....where Trump would pretend he was offended by a Fox News Anchor, then demand she be removed from a debate, the Fox network would refuse Trump's request, and then Trump would skip the Fox debate....resulting in huge press coverage & ratings for Trump and Fox.

    It's a brilliant move by Trump and Roger Ailes.


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