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Saturday, January 16, 2016

Federal waste: DoD spends $1.1M to peek inside puppies’ heads

Former Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) may not work in Congress any longer, but his government waste-fighting legacy lives on.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Jan. 7 unveiled his fourth installment of his “America’s Most Wasted”report, a tribute to Coburn’s annual “wastebook,” a list of head-scratching uses of taxpayer dollars.

“With spending habits like these, Washington should have only one New Year’s resolution in 2016 — to end this dangerous credit addiction,” McCain said. “Unless we act now to put our fiscal house back in order, future generations will bear the burden for our grave mistakes.

Since Coburn’s retirement in 2015, several members of Congress have taken up iconic federal spending report, including Sens. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), Dan Coats (R-Ind.), James Lankford (R-Okla.) and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.)



  1. we're past the point aren't we, John? unless we act now??? we're not the ones who need to act. Get congress off it's duff & FIX it!
    You mean congress must act!

  2. This is good showing government waste but what are they doing about it nothing but spending more money. This shows their incompetence. This proves they never want a clean bill passed. A bill without add-ons of total irrelevant to the original bill. McCain and the rest have a proven track record of deceitfulness with his actions and his comments when him and the rest do this wasteful spending. Time limits for Congress just like the President and cut out all these pension benefits. They are supposed to be serving the people because they want to be a Public Servant not a con-artist ripping the people off. Eliminating these exorbitant salaries and benefits which are totally off the wall and they don't deserve. This would show how many want to serve the Public for the betterment of our Country and the ones want it to get rich ripping off the tax payer.


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