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Wednesday, January 06, 2016

FEC Commissioner: Harry Reid Wants Use of 'Slush Fund' to Help Him Retire

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid wants the Federal Election Commission to create an exemption that would allow him to spend $600,000 in unspent campaign and PAC funds on personal matters as he retires from office, the Washington Examiner reports.

FEC Commissioner Lee E. Goodman labeled the funds an "administrative slush fund" as the extraordinary request was made, the Examiner reports.

The Nevada Democrat wants to use the funds "to close out his offices and aid his shift to becoming a former public official still intent on influencing the nation's agenda," the Examiner's Paul Bedard reports.

Reid wants to hire a full-time assistant to help in this effort. Part of the assistant's duties would be to "schedule and organize appearances in which Senator Reid will discuss his tenure in office," a draft of an advisory opinion submitted to the FEC by the commission's general counsel on Dec. 15 states.

"This issue of personal use vexes us," FEC commissioner Goodman said at an open meeting on Dec. 17, the Examiner reports.

Democrat commissioner Ann Ravel defended the request during the open meeting, the Examiner reports.

Reid has been in trouble with the commission over the personal use of campaign funds in the past.



  1. $600,000 ....??

    To do what...hire an assistant to schedule his golf tee times? Open doors for him? Line up his Geritol and viagra oldness pills?

    And let me guess. That "assistant" would be someone related to him, or the child of someone "important"...and paid six figures for a minimum wage "entry level" part time job as a gopher.

    He is corruption and graft personified. Good riddance to him. I hope they refuse his "exemption". As if he didn't make a fortune in his position, already.

  2. Sounds like funds that should be returned, or dispersed among taxpayers

  3. Let's take up a collection to get him to retire early.

  4. Hey....while it does not surprise me he wants this money, however, it does surprise me that he did not just do it without permission. Typical democrat

  5. Will that be enough to keep him in toupees?

  6. He was a stone cold thief and crook his ENTIRE bribe taking career and he will continue to be that.
    And his constituents can't stop cheering.
    If a panhandler stole $20 from them, they'd be screaming for prison and "justice".
    Their Senator steals (and wants to steal MORE) and they clap and cheer?
    Oh yeah.
    Two sets of laws.
    Keep cheering.

  7. He needs the money to pay off the Mob that runs him.


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