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Saturday, January 23, 2016

Far Left Social Justice Course Required to Get Teaching Certification at UNC-Greensboro

Did you think you could go into primary education without at least pretending that your intent is to brainwash kids with far left ideology? Not if you get your degree at UNC-Greensboro:

A teacher at the University of North Carolina-Greensboro requires students in her class to write an 8-page commitment to social justice — pupils who take her class because it’s a required course to earn a K-12 teaching credential.

An assignment in instructor Revital Zilonka’s “Institution of Education” class tells future North Carolina teachers that “by the end of the semester, you are required to write your own personal/professional commitment to social justice,” the syllabus states.

The class mandates a list of feminist and Marxist readings, and students’ “commitment” is expected to be up to eight pages long and delve into how they plan to advance social justice “given the new understanding you have by now about society and education,” the syllabus adds. …

Zilonka’s syllabus also tells students to Like on Facebook a slate of secular-progressive pages, such as the pro-LGBTQ Human Rights Campaign, Feministing, Million Hoodies for Justice, and the Brown Girl Collective.


1 comment:

  1. Education about math, science, English, history, civics, etc., is disappearing fast.
    Now, it's all about "indoctrination" and "conditioning".
    Who's feelings have been hurt, which group has been picked on/discriminated against/slandered/insulted, and how is the rest of society going to make it up to them.
    Want respect? Want the same things that the rest of society enjoys?
    Quit whining, quit looking for a handout or some kind of relief, and get a job.
    Marry the mother of your children. Have only the kids YOU can support (the rest of us are busy with our own problems -- we don't need to take on YOURS, too).
    Get rid of the people around you that have convinced you that someone OWES YOU SOMETHING.
    Teach your children respect and manners.
    Quit trying to solve every problem with a fistfight or a gun.
    Most importantly, understand that life is not fair and you don't "deserve" ANYTHING.
    I can wish, can't I?
    Keep cheering.


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