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Monday, January 11, 2016

EPA, FDA Stocking Up On Body Armor

As the U.S. engages in a national debate over the militarization of the police, federal data shows that government agencies charged with largely administrative roles are spending tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to purchase SWAT and military-style equipment.

Since FY 2006, 44 traditionally administrative agencies have spent over $71 million on items like body armor, riot helmets and shields, cannon launchers and police firearms and ammunition, according to federal spending data from watchdog group OpenTheBooks.com.

This comes in addition to the $330 million spent on such equipment in that period by traditional law enforcement agencies like the FBI, Secret Service and Drug Enforcement Administration.

Some examples of the purchases include:


  1. How the hell else are Cheney & Bush's war machine buddies supposed to make any money? I mean with the shrinking military and all., who else is there to buy from these criminals?

  2. They are getting ready to kill us. We are still watching TV

  3. I'd be more worried about the ISIS issue over some number cruncher's/pencil pushers gearing up any day. But those branches and Congress should be held accountable for all misspent tax dollars allocated for other reasons. More reason for We The People to grab hold of the reigns of the thing that used to be our government and bring them back to reality. Otherwise they will continue to do so without impunity.

    1. Then your an idiot! A federal tree hugger with bullet proof vest and military anything is much more alarming than the isil nuts at this point of time. It is almost fraud. Why do they need that? They don't. It's more stock piling to pass to local cops! Like the social security administration needing fully automatic weapons and Apr rounds etc. Why? I guess NASA is going to need weapons and tanks next. All irs auditors will need a vest and high power weapon to. Or the USDA will need..... Lmao. The government is vamping up its stick pile for civil unrest while they make it harder for the people to defend themselves. Wake up you tools!

  4. I KEEP TELLING YOU and you keep cheering.
    They are getting ready for something.
    BILLIONS of rounds of armor-piercing bullets for agencies like the Social Security Administration (!?).
    COMBAT equipment and riot control material.
    They KNOW, or at the very least, suspect, something violent is coming in America. It's hard to hide that kind of prep, so you try to spread it out to various entities. It's STILL hard to hide, but now they can go with the "nothing to see here" BS.
    And millions continue to fall for it and cheer wildly.
    The rest of us buy guns and ammo.
    Go on. Keep cheering.


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