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Saturday, January 30, 2016


Parents slam decision as "totally ridiculous"

Bruce Vento Elementary School has banned Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas to avoid offending its minority student population.

“I have come to the difficult decision to discontinue the celebration of the dominant holidays until we can come to a better understanding of how the dominant views will suppress someone else’s view,” principal Scott Masini wrote in a letter to parents.

Masini said the decision was based on his concerns for “tolerance” and “respect,” prompting a backlash from parents who told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that the move was “very sad” and “totally ridiculous”.



  1. Many Christians consider Valentines Day evil.

  2. this country has been founded on Christianity. there are so more other faiths that have been created to allow people to live within their own religious requests. these perversions are all ridiculous. so long as we keep this to ourselves, it is fine. however, pushing your religion on to someone else is part of some of these religions. it's a never-ending cycle. if we don't celebrate these holidays out of fear of offending others, then I'm offended since I fought for every citizen of the USA to have these rights to do so. Be who you are and celebrate your beliefs. Just don't force it on anyone that chooses not to participate.

    The alternative is to never celebrate anything, ever. No grandparent's day since some don't have them. No Mother's day since some don't have them. No siblings day since some don't have them. You get the idea. I find the fact that there are so many individually labeled days to celebrate specific people, places, job titles,and things that vary and differ from state to state and country to country astounding. Do a quick Google search and you'll see.

    Since I'm bored and surfing this blog anyway, I'll end with giving the holidays I'd vote for if we ever could:

    1: Independence Day - not just for the birth of our nation, but should also be the legally recognized cut-off day for support of any child that has graduated high-school and needs to get out on their own and has showed no motivation to do so.

    2: New Years Eve/Day - It's a lame excuse to forgo any failed resolutions with a chance of committing to new goals for the year.

    3: Halloween - it's the first chance to dress up and be a different character for a night. Should be to celebrate the dead, but those that have any real inheritance at all celebrate all year long.

    4: Super Bowl Sunday - This is America's sport. Baseball is America's pastime as in it's way past it's time with entirely too many games and it is ever so boring without lots of food and drink. Football rules!

    5: Super Bowl Monday - to allow for a day to recoup after the team you hate most loses in the big game. Let's face it, with only 2 out of 32 teams making it to the season finale, chances are your team didn't make it.

    6: Gathering Family's Day - this will take over thanksgiving since it has been marred with historical inaccuracies and further perversions to increase sales.

    That's it. No more need for the other so-called holidays. They're all a waste. If your children don't know that they should send flowers and gifts to their parents on their days and not the other way around, then there is no need for each parent to have days apart to celebrate. That's just my thoughts..

  3. You forgot the newly minted "National Spouse Day" that was just celebrated last week. Now that is a Hallmark moment if Ive ever heard of one.


  4. Guess the misguided principal will be at work on Thanksgiving and through all of the Christmas holidays.

    Hope they make enough noise to get this Prince of PC to recant.


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