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Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Downtown Public Works


  1. Seems as though most towns and cities with liberal and democrat control are going way down hill.

  2. That rake will not work on what is all over the ground, around our city and county.
    The kids step in the goose poo, and then try to remove it by hand before coming in for
    Why are we the tax payer, not asking when will this be addressed by our elected people?
    Sure am glad, they are doing the river walk.

  3. Don't send the kids outside , simple solution , too cold now anyway.
    We need to get a committee together and do a study on this matter , I'm sure grants are available . Better yet , just have the county or city employees do their job.

  4. Maybe the parents and teachers should learn the children how to remove said poo without using their hands and how to properly wash their hands before eating.

  5. 8:14 AM

    Why not call 410-548-3100 and ask if you could lead or be a part of a goose control committee.

  6. 8:38:

    Someone should learn you English.


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