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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Donald Trump Is Not The Solution To GOP Incompetence

My colleague Ben Domenech was one of the many smart conservative and libertarians writers who took part in National Review’s symposium on Trump. He, like many of the others, offered a measured piece, rationally pointing out the multitude of reasons Donald Trump is neither conservative, principled, nor equipped to be the president. I hope it’ll matter.

I did notice, though, as I read through the pieces that I felt far less charitable than most of the writers towards Trump’s supporters—perhaps the most sensitive constituency to ever appear in American politics.

Trump-ism is an ideology that judges all things on how they interact with Donald Trump. As a result, it is completely disconnected from any cogent philosophy or moral worldview. And though Trump’s fans characterize anyone who notes that the word clouds coming out of the candidate’s mouth are incoherent platitude-infused puffs of gibberish as snobby, monocle-wearing, America-hating elite, all I’m saying is that if you’re shopping around for a dictator, you can do a lot better than Donald Trump.

American politics has become a giant appeal to the base emotions of envy and/or anger—depending on what party you happen to be in. And Republican primary voters are about to bring every liberal fantasy about their regressive, anti-intellectualism, to vivid life. There are many rational people on the right who either justify or are sympathetic to this movement for understandable reasons: They’re sick of corruption. Sick of the frauds and the failed promises. Sick of the abuses of the other party. Republicans want their own Obama.

More here


  1. BS, Trump is standing up to the idiot Rodger ailes who I cannot believe is consistently bashing trump through magen Kelly I will be BOYCOTTING FOX.

  2. This article talks around everything that's not an issue and makes no sense because it is total BS. Trump's association with the RNC is the only way he could be recognized and voted for President, as independents rarely garner 5% in fears of "stealing the election".
    I think once elected, he will not only tell many other countries to bugger off or cooperate, the RNC will be on that list as well, and he will bring a refreshing change to them as well!

    He will kick arse and will be taking names.

    Vote for him, PLEASE!

  3. Ya'll need to be a votin for Trump for king.

    1. I disagree. We are voting the king out and not replacing him with your POS queen. Trump 2016!!! Time to make America great again .

  4. Trump has nothing of substance. He rambles about how great he's doing in polls (only the ones he is doing great in), he rambles about how bad the press is (only the ones who criticize him) and he rambles about the establishment (if his success wasn't in the interest of the establishment they would black him out like they did Ron Paul).
    He only responds positively to those who stoke his ego. Hell he even praised Putin after Putin complimented him.
    He CAN NOT make Mexico pay for a wall
    He CAN NOT bar people from entering the country based on race
    He CAN NOT break the rules of the Constitution.
    Trump is a joke and so is every other Neo-con on the stage with him. Hillary is a joke and so is everyone on the stage with her.
    Of the millions of people in the greatest country on earth, IS THIS SERIOUSLY THE BEST WE COULD COME UP WITH????

  5. Two Things Could Be TrueJanuary 27, 2016 at 12:49 AM

    1214 I don't see you doing as well as Trump so how are you to judge what he can or cannot do? Armchair politicians. Gotta love them.

    1. 12:14 here to 12:49, what a Trump answer. No substance what so ever.

  6. Two Things Could Be TrueJanuary 27, 2016 at 1:09 AM

    1259 Not a Trump answer. I just realize what he's doing and you don't. He has plans. He's been talking about them when the journalists let him. He has many ideas and plans. Why don't you bother to read his site. Are you better off now than you were seven years ago? Probably not, but you're not out there paying for your own campaign.

  7. 12:14 Exactly what I have been saying here for weeks. Your preaching to deaf ears. Hell, I can't believe Joe even allowed that comment.

  8. 7:08 Joe allowed that comment but he didn't print mine because this is history repeating itself. We are now being pulled back into the McCarthy era. They will come for you next. HEY all Uneducated Americans....LOOK....a bright shiny thing....lets follow it.

  9. We need someone that will fight the communists, Muslims and NWO scum running our government. Which candidate looks strong enough to do that? And at this point just about any of the non-estabilishment Republican candidates would certainly be a better choice than the convict or the ancient socialist.

  10. 9:01,

    The VENONA Project files, declassified in 1995, provided indisputable evidence that nearly all of those McCarthy accused were traitors to America. Not surprisingly, the media ignored these documents completely, instead choosing to run yet another round of anti-McCarthy propaganda.

    If you dig a little bit, you can find the truth. Unfortunately, it's not very pretty, but it helps explain why we find ourselves in the mess we are in today.


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