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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Donald Trump Campaign Rally in Des Moines, Iowa

In case you missed Donald Trump's campaign rally last night you can watch it by clicking HERE.


  1. An amazing man with support at the max..
    If we don't get this man in the white house we are doomed. It may be too late anyway , but at least we have tried.

  2. Screw Fox news they are pissed because Trump actually has a good shot of being president instead of ANOTHER BUSH.

  3. Joe Google this,
    Jeb Bush spending his campaign money on posh hotels.

  4. Wounded warriors project blowing through money with lavish meals and hotels these people need to be arrested.

  5. It’s truly astounding.

    One man, utterly destroying the comfortable complacency of the mainstream media that has been in place for so many decades. Fearlessly standing his ground and not beholden to special interests or worried about being socially ostracized.

    ‘Howie’ Kurtz and his insider media chums can shake their heads and hold their breaths waiting for their world to return to normal, but the line in the sand has been crossed. Media are made up of individuals with their own agendas, careers, financial and status objectives. Journalism has become activism and driven by predetermined motives. Trump has exposed this so clearly and definitively. He didn’t have to write a fancy article or debate it with a panel of talking heads.

    Unbelievable courage, with so much to lose in terms of his reputation and legacy. But he put everything on the line to fight for his deep held values. After decades of trying to work through the system he became savvy enough to see the corruption and dedicate his best years to a transcendent cause. He could have just continued to live in luxury and success but has instead shone he can master a new challenge.

    An ‘Atlas’ who changes the world when he shrugs!

  6. The debate moderators intended to ambush Trump with youtube questioners. Each one was obviously selected to highlight media accusations against Trump (black guy, muslim, Mexican immigrant). The moderators offered a question then asked several candidates to field it. With the youtube questions they played the video, asked one candidate about it then moved on – throwing away the questions because the intended target was not present. Donald Trump made the right choice in not showing, he clearly came out the victor and showed Fox News they aren't in charge. He is.

  7. This is ALL being done to get Bush elected.

  8. "If we don't get this man in the white house we are doomed."

    Well, too late for that. I dont think Trump can save the country. No one person can do that. But I DO think he can help to tear down the elites who control us through the media-

    Let it burn. Buy ammo and vote Trump!

  9. What a joke the Trump fiasco broadcast was. Looked and felt like a low rent telethon.

    1. Shut up stupid. Your queen of corruption will have her own show when she's indicted and put behind bars. Then the liberal democrats and republicans can have all the airtime they want. Until then shut up, your stupid is showing.

  10. I had a Brit on a train in Italy do a soliloquy on Trump, that Trump was ridiculous and a clown (This was in Oct.). I looked at him and said, "Well you are a victim of your leftist media" and "there were good and true reasons for us to declare our independence from England, and listening to you reminds me of why that was an excellent decision."
    He meekly agreed the media was leftist and immediately changed the subject.
    Then earlier in the year while attending a Fleetwood Mac concert in Germany I started getting it from a German and as everyone knows they are the European know-it-alls. So I replied "it's difficult for me to accept any criticism from someone from a country that started 2 world wars and murdered millions of people in the span of 30 yrs." He couldn't get away from me fast enough.

    As an American I have listened to too much of this, so I just fling it back now. I don’t criticize their mediocrity or moronicity, so now when they criticize the US to me, they will get it right back.

    1. Wow you must be a really good fighter. You accused a German of mass murder while in Germany?! Geez.

  11. What a joke the Trump fiasco broadcast was. Looked and felt like a low rent telethon.

    hes your next President. Show some respect.

  12. Trump supporters are going to be just as disappointed as Obama supporter are..Just watch..Trump is promising the world and won't be able to deliver once on the throne.

    1. 856 tell me why? I'm being serious! I feel he as accomplished more then anyone running.

  13. Agree with him but do not do as he does unless you are sick of your job and want to get fired.Anyone who fails to show up for work from now on will have an example to cite.He/she can say they were treated poorly.

  14. If i understand your comment correctly 8:39, you are not a Trump supporter. When was the last time you raised 6 Million dollars for a charity you believed in or even helped a Wounded Warrior?If I have interrupted your comment wrong, I apologize.

    As for me I'm glad we have a man running for president who takes BS from no one - who recognized the game FOX was playing and bowed out. He did not sit home watching the debate but made the decision to help a cause he supports - a cause brought on by our uncaring government bureaucracy. Once again MSM tried to squash the Don. and once again it did not work.

    You have a right to your opinion that a jokester held a sleazy telethon. I have a right to my opinion that Mr Trump showed class when he refused to play the FOX debate game and that "low rent telethon" for Wounded Warriors was both inspirational and a winner.

  15. is Trump just going to walk away from Putin/China/Iran?

    ummm.....yes. That's what you do when your negotiating. If the other side refuses to meet or bend, you walk away. Reagan did it.

  16. Think his point was let's raise money for something good rather then the ridiculous debates that mean nothing. He did it. Now I'm going to vote for Trump. Thank you.

  17. 854 I'm confused on your comment?! You say show respect. You don't admire a man raising money for Wounded Service men and women? That is the definition of Respect!!

  18. I guess I am the only person here that is not a Donald Trump supporter. I have not made a decision on a candidate yet but am leaning towards Rubio. I think Trump is nothing but a reality show narcissist. Trump is more about Trump then he is for the country. Granted he says everything we want to hear but he is a showman. That's who he is. I think winning the nomination is his goal. After he reaches that goal he will tire of the whole process. Wake up people. Think about who you are supporting. Do you really want another narcissist in the White House?

  19. Give 'em Hell #Trump

    The Trump campaign does its homework. Finally, things are making sense on what’s going on at Fox and it is bigger than Megyn Kelly. Trump knows this and a reporter has exposed one of Washington’s best kept secrets, namely Fox’s role via its founder Rupert Murdoch in pushing an open borders agenda. The Trump campaign is a direct threat to Murdoch’s efforts to open America’s borders. Hidden from virtually all reporting on Fox’s treatment of Trump is the fact that Murdoch is the co-chair of the most powerful immigration lobbying firms for illegal aliens in America, the Partnership for a new American Economy! (PNAE)

  20. 10:26 don't be so sure Donald Trump will tire of the process if he wins the GOP nomination. As far as his being a narcissist, I disagree. I see him as having a lot of confidence in his abilities which he has the right to be. obama on the other hand plays to the low information low IQ and can lie and claim success because those who support him are dumber than a sack of rocks. The only thing the ghetto hustler obama excels at is telling lie after lie. The other problem is almost all of the obama supporters aren't very good people themselves and can be best described as the dregs of society.

  21. Trump gets more time on Fox news then any other candidate. Except for last nights event they cover everything the man does. I don't understand why people are against Fox News. If they covered him any more it would be a 24hr Trump-fest.

  22. 8:52AM That is why they call us ugly Americans.

  23. 12:03- I was born in France and raised in Monaco and Switzerland. My father was American. I came to the US to attend college in DC. I speak w/a heavy French accent so Europeans have no idea I am an American.

  24. Trump is a great business man and he will have a winning team. I feel confident he will be able to clean up all of the bad business deals. He won't let our country throw money away. Everytime a politician receives money for their campaign their position changes. They are owned by the donor. Trump will not be owned. He will create win win deals for our country because he knows the other countries need us more than we need them.

  25. 235 I think your comment should begin with "once upon a time"

  26. Great job,Mr. Trump. You won the "debate" with this move!

  27. Any change he can make will be after he is elected for those who did not know.Any cooperation he gets while he's campaigning is temporary.


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