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Sunday, January 10, 2016

Did It Really Just Cost Me Over $80.00+ To Cook Our Christmas Turkey?

I don't know about ALL of you but we just received our Delmarva Power Electric Bill for last month and it was through the roof.

Fortunately our regular bills are around $90.00 a month but the latest bill came in at $174.00 and guess what, IT WAS WARM ALL MONTH!

Now there may have been a day or two we turned on our pellet stove but we never turn on our hvac heating system. The only thing we can figure out is that we cooked a Christmas Turkey and that's it!

That being said I thought I'd reach out to all of you to see if you experience the same questionable increase. If so, (and hopefully you agree) it's high time we go to our legislators for this scam from these so called "smart meters" and challenge the electric companies. 

My guess is that last month was much slower in electric use and they're bumping up the bills to make up for their massive losses with the unexpected warm temperatures.

I guess time will tell through comments. 


  1. Being one of those tin foil hatters who refused a "Smart Meter", I noticed the picture shows GE as the maker. The "Jobs Czar" just can't find enough ways to try to violate my "safe space" :(

  2. Ours was double at around $450!!! Thieves.

  3. mine went from $225 to $460. so we sit in the dark a lot now afraid to turn on the lights. whats the bill gonna b when it gets cold

  4. Check and compare your usage to previous months as well as the rates.

  5. Perhaps I'm not following these comments properly or maybe I presented my post wrong. Two months ago my bill was around $90.00. This past month it is around $170.00+. Since it's been so warm the last two months and there's not been much of a change, why did my bill almost double. I'm wondering if the same thing happened to others. I know there's been complaints about the smart meters delivering higher prices. I'm simply wondering about the last two months.

  6. our " legislators " are thieves too...and everyone thought they knew what smartmeters meant

  7. 7:10, We're NOT using more energy, (is my point). Checking the usage is a load of crap because that's what THEY want you to believe. Now that it's digital, who's to say they are right or wrong.

    We're not running more lights. We're not running the hvac. It's very noticeable on our behalf to the point we're now questioning what is going on. With the Blog we have an unusual way to reach out to others to see if they too are receiving the same problem.

    Keep in mind, the bill almost DOUBLED. For what? That would mean we would have had to use almost twice the energy and there's just no way. I guess what I'm saying is, are we alone with this issue OR are other people experiencing the same type of increase.

  8. I experienced the same kind of increase and just shook it off figuring there is nothing can be done. Especially with the warm weather seemed to be no cause for it. Have paid a lot of money increase since this so called smart meter was installed.

  9. im goin to shore up to gets me sum of dat free lectrix

  10. 7:32, My interest is to see if multiple people had the same experience. If that is the case I can assure you, I will bring this up to our legislators.

    As for the Idiot who sent in a comment calling me cheap and a penny pincher, unlike you, our homes are extremely well insulated. On the coldest of days, (without heat) it only goes down to about 65 degrees.

    Any of my friends can tell you, when we do turn on the pellet stove, (on its lowest setting) it's at least 72 degrees. In fact, a bag of pellets will last two days, that's how well insulated and energy efficient our home is.

    When the home was built there were no pennies being pinched and it wasn't cheap.

  11. Did you not have any Christmas lights turned on in the evening?

  12. if you call them they will tell you, that you have a rogue appliance sucking up energy. that was the excuse I got. I read an article that said that you will never win an argument over a bad smart meter since they consider them flawless and there is no way to check a "calibration" on them.

    and wait until one of them sumofabitches burns down your house. Home owners insurance will tell you they aint paying and DPL will tell you they aint paying. Enjoy bein in the middle of that argument!

    all jokes aside, there is nothing "savings" about daylight savings time. Everyones bill gets jacked up. more energy is used during this season.

  13. yes, was billed over 300.00, thought it was kind of high as well.

  14. DPL and other electric companies are known to "estimate" bills and if you used more than average
    during previous months, it's much higher when they do actually read the meter.

  15. I have not experienced a problem since getting the smart meter. If anything my bills have been more accurate. Our manual meter reading before would be wrong several times a year resulting in a large bill one month and small bill the next month. I just got my December bill a few days ago and it was lower than expected. The usage was down from December of last year as it should have been due to the average temperature being so much warmer than last year in December.

  16. Twice the bill, and the energy sure wasn't used, turned it off during the day and only on 71 at night. Total ripoff and it's so wrong of them to keep ripping people off this way. Please Joe, do bring this up to legislators. Seems like to me every December they do this, whether you have lights outside/inside your house for Christmas decorations or not - if your neighbors decorate and you don't, you're still going to pay more.

  17. Joe, mine stayed around average, but I heat with a wood stove, and can't run it when the temperature is over 45 as it will run us out of the house. So, when it's 50-65, I actually use more electric with the baseboard heaters running.Below 45, and I can turn those off.

  18. 7:58, One LED strand across the front porch on a timer. Our home is way back off the road so there's no need to dress it up with a bunch of lights because you just can't see them.

  19. The new meters calibrate the amount of energy used for the washing machine, dishwasher and heating system or any big electric appliance in a different way then before the new meters were installed. It's the surge as the appliance is turned on that causes big bills especially if you are running more than one at a time. You now have to wake up at 3 in the morning to do your wash. This is total control of your lifestyle. These meters were a way for the electric company to get a raise in the bill without getting a rate increase. Google it on line.

  20. We had the same thing. Our bill almost doubled and we were actually using less electric than the year previous. We used to have a roommate who moved out last year so that is one less person using lights, tv ,etc.

  21. Joe....I was just on the phone all yesterday afternoon with Delmarva Power.

    We have a rental that has been gutted!!! The only thing left existing there is gutted walls and electric. We have NO HEAT, NO RUNNING WATER, ETC.

    My electric bill Sept, Oct., Nov. was running 16.00 to 34.oo per month,
    December bill A WHOPPING $309.00. When I explained this to the lady at Delmarva Power yesterday, she told me that I must have someone stealing my electric or a "squatter". I have no such thing. It sits on 33 acres with no one around or in site. The house stayed locked up tight and there is no evidence of squatters.

    Please contact our legislators!!!!!!!!! This is robbery!!

  22. Google TED Pro Home, be smarter than the meter.

  23. If it was as big as the turkey on the Mysterious Island movie I could easily see it costing that much to cook it.

  24. That is because it is electronic and digital and uses more electricity than the old analog ones... Further more, As an electrical engineer, I can tell you, these smart meters are not there for reading power wireless, though that is a by-product of this smart meter... These smart meters put off pulses of electromagnetic waves, and before we get into that, I suggest you look on the power companies website and see what they say the intervals of these meters are and they say a few a day when in reality and with handheld meters to check, they go off about 1 every few seconds... So that is radiation being pulsed into your homes 1 pulse each second... So on their website the power companies have already lied to you... Now getting back to the pulses, the meters can send pulses out that can detect your heart beat and appliances, and if you have the proper tech, you can receive those pulses and decode them to a picture and I can even go as far to see the walls and openings in your house through this method... I can even tel you which room you are standing in...

    These smart meters are for control, they can turn them off or on at will and wireless, so they won't have to send an actual person to try and disconnect your power... They have even caused fires in homes until they fixed the power lies and the design... Also, These smart meters are hack-able and what can they change, they can go as far as changing your bill and such...

    These things only benefit the power company and the cops who will use the electromagnetic tech to do raids on you when they send int swat trams for warrants...

    If these benefited you, why is everyone power bills so high and keep going up since these meters have been installed? Also, if they are so great, why do they have to force you to switch to them, and do it when your not home behind your back and even after you send notices and put signs up saying NO to smart meters???? Then why do they force you to have it if there is no laws saying you have to have a smart meter as of yet but they force you into them????? How great can they be if your forced into them???????????

  25. Some folks started with solar panels and batteries that allow them to grid-shed some of their electrical load. Those items are on a separate wiring system and don't come from public power - they also stay running when the grid goes down!


  27. been there done that. it happens to us every year @ thanksgiving & that's all we've done again.150 up to 280.

  28. 8:28
    I have had the same thing happen when away for the winter. Drained pipes - no heat. Turned every breaker off except for 1 refrigerator and one motion detecting security light. The electric bills were higher than when the home was in use over the summer months with AC running. Complained to DPL and PUC to no avail. Now I just have electric turned off in the winter and pay to reconnect in the summer. Much cheaper.

  29. I have Delaware Electric Cooperative and my bill went from 113.00 to 130.00 but I was running the air conditioning. Gets over 65 outside and it gets too hot inside for my dogs. I think Delmarva Power must sure pay more for their electric than the co-op does. NOT!

  30. I live in Berlin and am on Choptank Electric and when they came to change out my meter I asked if I could opt out. I was told that there would be an extra charge if in fact I kept the old one. Thinking that there would not be any difference than me reading it rather than a smart reading I didn't opt out. I am in the same boat as my bills are now much higher. I wonder if there is a legal answer to getting the read your own meter back as it is no problem to change it out as it is simply a plug in. I really did like the fact that I could read it and was able to see the usage by simply taking the new reading and subtracting the old one, on the bill, to see exactly where I stood. Someone needs to put a stop to these thieves.

  31. Let's not overlook the Comcast Cable increase in January. Over $4 a month for same service.

  32. But a electric usage meter it tells you what your using and comparate to your bill,ebay.

  33. I keep my house at 69 in the summer and around 65 in the winter...my last month's bill was approximately $100 higher than it should have been from the past November/December bills...I agree that my electric bills are soaring with these smartmeters, but I believe they just charge what they want and blame it on cold weather, when it isn't cold and hot weather, when it isn't hot...what are we to do Joe?

  34. Joe - Yes, I had a similar experience this month with Delmarva Power. Last month, my bill was only about $66 and this month it was $150.00. I had the same thought - my usage should be down. I'll have to check the bill when I get home - sometimes they charge you "estimated usage" when they don't read the meters - perhaps that's the problem.

  35. I pay $127/month. The bill in December was $235! We heat with an oil furnace, no unnecessary lights on, nothing out of the ordinary. I was shocked to say the least!

  36. Smart meters are made to interact with RFID tags on appliances and products in a joint effort with large corporations to track peoples product usage.Some democrats paid by special interest are pushing for mandatory smart meter installations everywhere in the country.

  37. 90 to 159 last month here and wasn't using anything at all

  38. How many of you get a bill that compares YOUR electric use with your neighbors?
    They are LYING.
    They told me I used more electric than my neighbors, who have three kids and definitely use more electricity than I would. By any measure.
    PLEASE, Joe, get our "representatives" on the case.
    However, if you want RESULTS, please include a bribe bigger than the one Delmarva Power paid them.

  39. 77 last month 130 this month crazy but what ya gonna do but pay it.
    at least i get SOMETHING for my money instead of a ponzi scheme state farm car,truck bike or home insurance bill which goes up every year with no claims there the real crooks.

  40. I agree with 5:22 I also have State Farm and my Home Owners, and Insurance for my three cars went up, even though I have never filed a claim and my wife and I are over fifty! They told me they base rates on state wide averages! To me insurance is a state mandated ripoff. Before it was mandated, it was very reasonable! Just another form of taxation!

  41. Obama stated that he wanted all utilities to increase. He said it in 2007 before winning his first election. Government trying to force green energy on everyone. I have one question for those with solar panels on their roofs. How much more does it cost to replace the roof shingles with the added garbage on top.

  42. Ironically, when Edison was approached about nationalizing electricity, he was promised that electricity would always be free to citizens by the Federal Government. Another Raw Deal piece of legislation that was promised and not delivered.

    Electricity was never meant to be a commodity by its inventor!

  43. Delmarva power is a scam... One winter after being gouged I pulled my meter out for 3 weeks out of the month stayed at a friends house and put it back in right before it was read and my bill went up.

  44. 1:25 AM

    What an interesting experience with unsurprising results indeed.

  45. 1:25 that is because for awhile there DP was lying and indicating on the bills that they were actually read when in fact they were actually estimated.

    Our whole neighborhood called them out on it and when the actually read the meters we all had only $20 bills in the middle of winter.

  46. I wish I could help you Joe, however, I refused the "smart meter" for a variety of reasons. The additional cost of $17.00 a month to me, is well worth the peace of mind I have in regards to privacy and accuracy/verification of electric use. From a historical perspective, my electric use has remained consistent and I am glad I opted out.

  47. I'm not talking about my bill going up 20 dollars it went up 200 dollars without power to the house and when I called they said it was due to the Christmas lights.... I had ONE string and how the hell do they know about that?

  48. We do need to get together on this. I have had the same problem with Delmarva Power. The bills for the last 3-4 months have all been pretty close to the same amount, & they were all more then they should be, especially with the weather being unseasonably warm, & our house being heated my gas, including the H.W.H., stove, & furnace, etc. I called them twice, & the second time they came out to check my meter, they said it was old,(13 years), but accurate. (Sure) They offered to install a more up-dated meter on my house, & I agreed. I too have opted out of the smart meter, & pay an extra $17.00 per month, which is just plain wrong, & should be against the law. I also was forced to pay an up front fee of $75.00 for doing this. I don't trust my government, & I don't trust Delmarva Power, PERIOD

  49. I solved the problem. Disconnected from DPL for the winter while enjoying my other waterfront home in S. FL. When back in Wico., have DPL reconnect service. Never have any issues with FPL when gone for the summer. Not there, everything off except AC to remove humidity. Bill is under $100/month when away.

  50. Just got my bill never once turned on the heat last month and my bill went from $90.00 to over $140? Also my dryer has been broken so that's one less major appliance I was using. Something is fishy...


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