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Thursday, January 07, 2016

Dems angry over Obama immigrant raids

Democrats in both chambers are sharpening their criticisms of the Obama administration's deportation policies following the recent arrest of scores of immigrants in the country illegally who are now in line to be sent home.

The lawmakers are accusing the administration of ripping apart families, traumatizing children and risking the safety of the deportees as they face a return to beleaguered parts of the world.

Rep. Luis GutiĆ©rrez (D-Ill.), Congress's most vocal immigrant rights advocate, took to the House floor on Wednesday to hammer the strategy as one striking “maximum fear in immigrant communities.”

Across the Capitol, Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) warned of “the chilling effect” the arrests will have on “immigrant communities who will understandably be terrified and deterred from approaching law enforcement to report crimes.”



  1. Who's side are these dumbocrats on anyway?

  2. If they weren't here to begin with, there wouldn't be a problem like this.

  3. How are you ripping apart families? They are all illegal. The anchor babies should not be recognized til they of legal age, 18, so they can live in the US by themselves. The aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins and other relatives should not be allowed here anyway unless they entered legally and not because their 100th cousin lives in the Us as is present policy. Look at the tax dollars would be saved.

  4. That's ridiculous. It's not like there haven't been warnings in the last month or so. If they were so concerned about their family being torn apart they might have taken steps to to ensure they couldn't be deported.

  5. get over it libs/dems

  6. Very simple. Ship the illegal's relatives back with him so they won't be angry and upset.

  7. They are building a base of facts that Hillary can use while campaigning......as in "we aren't soft on immigration --- look at the raids we've been doing! we just got 120 illegal immigrants!!"
    Overlooking the fact that they TWENTY MILLION others in while we weren't focused on the problem.
    Keep cheering.


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