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Monday, January 18, 2016

Dear County Council Member and Board Members of the Humane Society:

I read with Interest the title ----- "Major complaints against the Humane Society" on Joe Albero's Blog site.
This was of special interest to me since I just had quite an unpleasant experience with them , trying to get money refunded .

This article & responses are dated, Saturday the 16th. I would
appreciate your reading this and letting me know what can be done to correct the problems there & how one can go directly to Board Members with any complaints they may have.

My understanding of the established rules now are --- when you have a complaint, you take it to the Humane Society Administrator & they in turn will pass that on to "The Board". This definitely needs to be looked into & changed for Public & Animal protection. I would not think it probable an Administrator would take a grievance to "The Board" against their self or a friend.

To make it easier for you to find the article , scroll down to a picture of a brown Lab with a cardboard sign around it's neck.

I would also like to know who has the power to make/change the Rules now & in the past.

I will need you to pass my mail on to "The Board", as they are not reachable by phone because, it's said their numbers are not given out.

Thank you for your time in the matter and will look forward to seeing your response on the questions I have for you.


  1. You think Wicomico Humane Society is bad? Don't even think about trying out Worcester. That place should be shut down yesterday.

  2. Are you speaking of Berlin or
    Snow Hill???

    Berlin was Filled with rescued
    dogs when Kenile Davis was there.

    What happened to All those Animals
    when L.Lugo took over. I went to
    their site & there were hardly any
    animals there.

  3. Snow Hill's good as far as Berlin I'm not so sure. They probably don't have any animals there because they will give anyone an animal who has the fee. They did it to my friend's son who was RENTING a place w/his girlfriend and they gave them a kitten without landlord permission. Landlord found out and tossed them. They moved in with his mother (my friend) who already has 2 cats and their cat did not get along with hers. The poor cat spent all it's time in a cage in a bedroom by itself. My friend kept on taking the cat out for short times supervised to get it used to her cats and the girlfriend found out and had a fit because the mother 'dared' step foot in her bedroom, mind you it was the mother's house! They had a fight and son and girlfriend left and moved back to where the girlfriend is from and left the cat. My friend isn't too happy because they were trying to wind down w/pets and weren't looking to get anymore. My friend works where a lot of OC people frequent and she's told the story to some of the clients and she said none had anything good to say about the Berlin shelter and say it's gotten really bad in the past couple of years.
    Anyway I've been in both in the past year because we found a kitten and I wanted to approved of where I was going to take the kitten. I ended up keeping the kitten, but Snow Hill was nice and clean and the lady and the man at the counter were nice. I told them I was there to look at the animals and not that I was really inspecting the place.
    The Berlin one on the other hand was dirty and it stank and the people not at all professional and looked and acted like they all had hangovers or something. I left feeling very depressed that any poor animal would be stuck in not only the filth but the bad attitudes of the staff.

  4. jeans and pink, good deal


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