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Monday, January 25, 2016

Cruz Launches Homeschool Coalition, Slams Common Core

The Ted Cruz presidential campaign launched a homeschool coalition with a new video explaining why the Republican candidate is a strong supporter of school choice options.

“Being a dad is the most important job I have. That’s why I admire each parent educator so much, because you’re not only parenting, but you’re teaching your sons and daughters to know and love what is right and good.

“That is an irreplaceable gift, and our country is stronger because of it,” Cruz said in the two and a half minute video posted to his campaign’s YouTube page Monday.

Cruz also condemned politicians and labor union special interests who work to maintain the public education monopoly, as well as the one-size-fits-all national Common Core education standards opposed by many parents.

“Some on the left want to shut down those who don’t abide by the Common Core agenda, but mark my words that is not going to happen,” Cruz said. “If I’m elected president, I will direct the U.S. Department of Education – which should be abolished … I will direct the Department of Education that Common Core ends today.

“Instead, I will restore power back to the states and to the local governments and ultimately back to the parents – those closest to our kids who have direct responsibility for raising our children, each and every one mom and dad.

“It’s time to champion school choice, and especially homeschooling,” Cruz said.

More info and video here


  1. Yes, you need homeschooling to brain wash children, just like the Duggars. Works out well doesn't it?

  2. Oh, 12:59PM what a wonderful and delightfully informed post.

    Homeschooling has rigorous regulations (especially in Wicomico because the BOE tries everything it can to discourage it) to adhere to in order for students to prove their knowledge base. Furthermore, it's clear you didn't see the little video about Common Core and its supporters whom are in to turn a quick buck, not really all that concerned about the kids.

    Perhaps it would be a good spare time research project for you to look into the real brainwashing tactics and where they actually were fashioned from -- and then you'll see that homeschooling does not provide propaganda like the common core's base principles.

    Common Core disciples are not interested in talking about the white dead guys who started this country nor are they interested in teaching governing documents of this country in total. They cherry-pick history, science and math while completely ignoring any reference to spirituality unless it's Islam based.

    Brainwashing through homeschooling? Thanks for the chuckle.


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