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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

County Executive Announces: What Did The Blizzard of 2016 Cost Wicomico County?

January 26, 2016 - County Executive Bob Culver has reported on the “Blizzard of 2016” and its cost. Fortunately, Wicomico County wasn’t hit as hard as some of our neighboring counties north of us and across the bay. As we are aware the storm began Friday, January 22, 2016 with snow accumulating approximately 5 to 7 inches before turning to rain in the early morning hours of Saturday and returning to snow on Saturday afternoon.

On Friday afternoon, the Department of Public Works activated its salt trucks salting intersections and main roads and then followed with the snow plows. There were 58 employees from both Roads and Solid waste involved in this process. During the height of the storm many of these employees were working or on call around the clock attempting to keep the roads cleared for the citizens.

The total cost of the operation was $79,305.55 which included labor, fuel, meals and 200.42 tons of salt.

Executive Culver wants to express his appreciation to the employees who were gone from their families during the weekend and the citizens for helping by staying off the roads so the work could continue.


  1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the first time a Wicomico County Executive has reported these expenditures immediately after the event?
    Good job, Bob!

  2. Seems like a reasonable amount.

  3. Bob has it going on. Now if we could just get the so called Republicans on the council in line. Two council members who claim to be Republicans have their eye on the Executive seat. Think twice Rhinos you are lucky to hold your council seats.

    Great Job Bob.

  4. Thanks Bob for sharing these things with us. That's why I voted for you.

  5. Wow! I've never had this information presented to me before! Thank you, Bob Culver! It's good to know that for one, you have a hands on control of the situation, and secondly, you are sharing this info with the Citizens.

    It's like a breath of fresh air!


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