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Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Congressman Andy Harris’ Statement on President Obama’s Executive Action on Gun Control

WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) released the following statement in response to President Obama’s announcement of his executive actions on gun control:

“President Obama's executive actions on gun control infringe on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens, while doing nothing to prevent the true origins of gun violence. Cities such as Baltimore, Washington, and Chicago have among the strictest gun control laws and background check systems - and yet have among the highest gun violence rates in the country. If the President was truly serious about protecting American lives he would get serious about the threat of terrorism. I will continue to work to support the rights of every American under the Second Amendment and to resist what I believe are the many unilateral unconstitutional actions taken by the current administration.”


  1. Let's get Jim Ireton's take on Obama's latest Executive Order, as he's hoping to go head to head against Andy Harris.

  2. Jimbo will surely echo POSPOTUS!

    Already know I'm not voting for Jimbo!

  3. Well words are cheap. For gods sake, our elected officials including Harris need to step up and do something about this out of control Dictator of a president!!!

  4. Ireton against Harris? Really? Must be in some alternate universe.

  5. Don't ask Jim Ireton his take on gun control. I doubt he knows which end of a gun to aim.

  6. aww, but he cried

  7. Obama is a moron. I assume he is going to police every yard sale in America. It's a political move only and will not affect law abiding gun owners. However it will encourage more underground gun sales.

  8. I am waiting for A Republican to introduce a Bill to make a person's CCW recognized in all States and US territories. Like your Drivers License.

  9. 6:18...This Obama overeach again is impeachable. The 2nd amendment says it all!! but constitutionly states should still have a choice.

  10. 6:18 PM - like your ability to vote in federal elections.

  11. In order to achieve greatness, one must stop asking permission.


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