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Thursday, January 07, 2016

Congress sends health law repeal to Obama for first time

WASHINGTON (AP) — The GOP-led Congress sent legislation to President Barack Obama Wednesday repealing his signature health law, fulfilling a promise to Republican voters in a presidential election year but inviting a certain veto.

The nearly party-line vote in the House was 240-181. The legislation already passed the Senate last year under special rules protecting it from Democratic obstruction, so it goes straight to the White House.

Republicans boasted of a signal achievement, saying they were forcing Obama to face up to the failures of his law while illustrating the stark political choices voters face.

“We are confronting the president with the hard, honest truth,” said Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. “Obamacare doesn’t work.”



  1. Obamacare is a failure. Hillary staunchly supports it. Most Americans can't afford it and want it changed. Wonder how many will vote for Hillary anyway. And then still complain about their higher than before premiums?

  2. Yep, because it's so affordable, my insurance is going up $200 more a month! Gotta pay for all that "free" stuff people keep talking about...

  3. Doesn't mean ANYTHING! !! THE JV TEAM already gave oBama all the money he needs. Send a bill for it to be vetoed and they say they don't have enough votes to override it. I thought the Republicans had the majority? ??

  4. why did it take this long to do this? It's for show; nothing else. too little too late.

  5. It is about time....We need to send a message...

    I know someone who pays $700.00 a month for Obama-CARE..

    that's not cheap


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