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Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Congrats to Baltimore on breaking their all time murder record

It’s been a banner year in Charm City… provided you happen to own a funeral home. Just as we are being assured that crime is coming under control (which it is in many areas outside of the inner cities) the citizens of Baltimore report that they’ve broken the all time per capita murder record for a single year. And the telling part of the statistic is that they managed the feat almost entirely after the Freddie Gray riots. (Baltimore Sun)
Blood was shed in Baltimore at an unprecedented pace in 2015, with mostly young, black men shot to death in a near-daily crush of violence.
On a per-capita basis, the year was the deadliest ever in the city. The year’s tally of 344 homicides was second only to the record 353 in 1993, when Baltimore had about 100,000 more residents.
The killings were on pace with recent years in the early months of 2015 but skyrocketed after the unrest and rioting of late April. In five of the next eight months, killings topped 30 or 40 a month.


  1. They will continue because the Mayor told them it was ok to destroy.

  2. I'm sure the new obama executive orders will improve ALL this and more...NOT

  3. Someone send omalley a gift for creating part of this problem with his rushed gun control. I think it's time for concealed carry or just let Baltimore kill itself from the inside. I am starting to think that was the plan all along. The simple answer is open carry. I am surprised the residents of bmore are not protesting and offering solutions. The government is not here to help only take and limit! I wish people would realize that.

  4. But gun control must be working and saving lives as Maryland has some of the toughest gun laws in the us. Seems like what all the protesters said would happen is and no end is in site. Hogan it may be time to address another omalley failure.

  5. What do you expect it is Baltimore!

  6. I think we can top that number next year, just keep shooting

  7. since BLM they are just trying to catch up with Chicago

  8. Yet if discipline statistics in public schools paint a similar picture it's the fault of the teachers and administrators. Heaven forbid someone should think the students are out of control.

  9. May next year be even more productive.


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