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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Breaking News: Fox News just got Trumped, Donald Trump will Skip the next Debate


  1. Love these women!!!!!!! They stand for all women speaking their mind rather they agree with the deliverance of the message or not!!

  2. They're drinking the Kool Aid....literally.

  3. I tried watching. I made it about 25 seconds before bailing.

  4. Amazing testament to Trump as well as a damnation on MSM. Yes, it may be hard at times to get through the delivery but their message is dead on. Glad to see people embracing leadership instead of buying the bamboozle being handed to them that this move was cowardice.

  5. 10:16 am. Exactly! I support them. I may not deliver their same message in the way that they chose to do so, but that is what it took to get people's attention. Their deliverance is funny with some slangs and body movements, and their words are the truth! Some people may put their nose up and might not appreciate their deliverance, but you will have to say how GRAND their words are!

    I think we could use them to unite woman all around the world!!!!!!!!!!

  6. The take home point to this video is that they are Minorities who are supporting a white leader who is not establishment Democrat or Republican. They are intelligent people who can speak for themselves.

    These women are right on and I love their message and they are not ghetto either. Well not much. Anyway we should post their video on all of our social media pages today!

  7. Anonymous said...
    I tried watching. I made it about 25 seconds before bailing.

    January 28, 2016 at 9:40 AM

    You should have given them a chance.


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