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Sunday, January 03, 2016

Boyfriends killing boys: A troubling trend in Md.

UPPER MARLBORO, Md. — There is a disturbing trend emerging in Prince George’s County that prosecutors fear is related to the cost of child care: little boys being killed by their mothers’ boyfriends.

Authorities tell WTOP that the prohibitive cost of child care can leave a mother with no alternative but to trust her lover with her child’s life.

It was more than two years ago that Lydia Polk got word her 2-year-old grandson, Jamir Shipe, was being rushed to the hospital. She remembers every word of the phone call. She knew instinctively to fear the worst.

“There’s a feeling you get when there’s something wrong with your little ones, and I got that feeling,” Polk says.



  1. These women MUST understand their children are TOP PRIORITY! !! Leave them with a relative always.

  2. Good ole P.G. County and their people of another culture.
    Edi Amin would be so proud

  3. How about all of these people that can't afford to take care of their babies, to just use birth control and not keep having them.

  4. Let's take this problem right down to it's root:

    The fundamental American premise that "I have my rights. I'm gonna have sex whenever I want, with whomever I want."

    Lack of childcare options is not the problem.

    Access to abortion is not the problem.

    It boils down to the BASIC moral issue of having sex (and children) outside of marriage.

    You can do whatever you choose to do, but there are CONSEQUENCES to your choices that cannot be avoid. Choices that produce dire consequences for innocent children are the most selfish, despicable choices people can ever make.

    But, of course, we have our rights..

  5. This is no new "trend". It's just that it's being noticed.

  6. No what these women MUST understand is that IF you can't afford the child, don't have it. Child care costs money! They act like it's rocket science or something. I don't feel one bit sorry for the families, only the dead children. Irresponsibility breeds irresponsibility and the families have the dead children's blood on them too.

    1. It's not just the Mothers responsibility buy also the father's

  7. Let's not discuss the bad choices in fathers and boyfriends.

  8. then stop having them if you can not afford to raise them or do not want to put the time in to do it right. Maybe china was on to something with its 2 child policy.

    1. China had a ONE child policy and promoted abortion of FEMALE fetuses. They are now reconsidering that because now they have an aging population AND a high amount of young men lost without job and marriage options. So be careful what you wish for!

  9. They have these children so they can receive taxpayers benefits to support them. They know exactly what they are doing.

  10. The problem is these girls are having sex. Why isn't anyone telling them to wait until marriage? Oh wait, that's too old fashioned. Their sexuality is learned from Hollywood ....Beyoncé, Katy Perry etc....

  11. This is basic nature at work. Male lions kill the offspring from other male lions.
    Do not trust your "boyfriend" to babysit your children especially if they are not his offspring. They do not want the responsibility and take their anger and resentment out on the defenseless child.
    What a mess this world has become. Throw morality out the window and return to jungle law.

  12. 11:35AM - It has to start with the female taking birth control so SHE will not get pregnant.

  13. Listen, it speaks VOLUMES that almost all of the time, it is the MOTHER taking care of these kids on their own, yet here you are, bashing these women who are WORKING and being the parent. Almost none of you saying anything about the fathers. These women are not sitting on their butts. They are trying to make it. So none of you ever had a relationship or a marriage go bad? They trusted someone and he took off. They trusted someone else and they kill the baby. But you blame only them? That is screwed up. Guess what too? Birth control fails sometimes. That doesn't make it right for a guy to kill a tiny child.

  14. Oh please 2:09 and others. Get the hell out from under the rocks you all are under. These so called "fathers" were useless before the baby momma's even had sex with them. It's not like any of these "fathers" have steady employment, an education, a home or any of the other thing responsible people do before having children.
    And NO 2:09 FYI I never had a "marriage" go bad and you want to know why! Because I've made responsible choices. I would never have lower myself to sleep with a man who didn't have it together which included a career and responsibility. I wouldn't give a man a second look who was a criminal and couldn't support a child on his income alone.
    I don't blame the fathers at all and that is because women are in charge of themselves and smart women do NOT spread their legs to losers.

  15. This child's father was a loser well before the child was conceived. He is and has been for some time a criminal, a no good thug. What did the mother think he was suddenly going to change and go on to be an upstanding productive self sufficient citizen if she had a baby? These "mothers" are nauseating. You don't make babies with losers. It never turns out well unless you like being a penniless peon the rest of your life.

  16. The cycle of poverty and ignorance marches onward. Jim Browns' statement in one of the previous articles said it all.

  17. my wife and I waited until our early 30's to have children, which gave us time to save, buy a house, and make sure we could all live comfortably. weird huh?

  18. There is a difference between senseless breeding and responsible parenting.I have no idea what that is,but there is a difference.

  19. Holy Jesus, some of you people are holier than thou. I'm going to have to side with 2:09 on this one. By your reasoning, every woman who gets beaten was asking for it for being so stupid as to take up with a man who would beat her. Except that probably wasn't evident when she got together with him. Every woman who gets raped must also be at fault because why couldn't she tell that her skirt was just an inch too short or that she shouldn't be in her workplace alone working late at 8 p.m.?

    I've been fortunate to have been married to a wonderful person a long, long time, and she the same with me. But she has a friend who married this guy that everybody thought was wonderful. No one but us believed her when she said he beat her. We did our best to help her try to leave, but she was afraid he would hurt us, too. In the end, he put her in the hospital and that ultimately saved her life. Oh, but all the people who went on and on about how they just couldn't believe it because he was such a nice guy and on it went.

    If it were so easy to find the winner for life as you all say, there wouldn't be so many divorces or so many abused kids and women. Duh. We would all be living happily ever after.

    I think of that poor boy who lost his life in the student area they call "The Zoo" because he protected his girlfriend when her ex came to kill her. How many of you blame her for that? Poor girl probably did feel responsible. She left the loser and moved on with her life and look what happened.

    Stop making assumptions about people as though we never have the risk of making a wrong choice. We can all get hurt by someone we've trusted at some point in our lives.


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