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Sunday, January 03, 2016

Black Professor To White Americans: ‘Admit to the Racist Poison Inside of You’

A black Emory University professor has penned an open letter to white Americans asking them to admit to “the racist poison” inside of them that’s to blame for a long history of black suffering.

In “Dear White America,” published by The New York Times, philosophy professor George Yancy called his letter “a gift” to white people.

“Bear in mind, though, that some gifts can be heavy to bear. You don’t have to accept it; there is no obligation,” he wrote. “I give it freely, believing that many of you will throw the gift back in my face, saying that I wrongly accuse you, that I am too sensitive, that I’m a race hustler, and that I blame white people (you) for everything.”

“So, as you read this letter, take a deep breath,” he continued. “Make a space for my voice in the deepest part of your psyche. Try to listen, to practice being silent. There are times when you must quiet your own voice to hear from or about those who suffer in ways that you do not.”

To support his argument that all white people are racist, Mr. Yancy started off by admitting that he is a sexist for perpetuating sexism “every day of my life. “

“As a sexist, I have failed women,” he wrote. “I have failed to speak out when I should have. I have failed to engage critically and extensively their pain and suffering in my writing. I have failed to transcend the rigidity of gender roles in my own life. I have failed to challenge those poisonous assumptions that women are ‘inferior’ to men or to speak out loudly in the company of male philosophers who believe that feminist philosophy is just a non-philosophical fad. I have been complicit with, and have allowed myself to be seduced by, a country that makes billions of dollars from sexually objectifying women, from pornography, commercials, video games, to Hollywood movies. I am not innocent.”

Read more here


  1. When you act like that I certainly will admit it!

  2. This guy is so consumed by racism that's all he can see. He doesn't need to be paid to teach children his hate.

  3. Let a white person say that and see where it gets them.

  4. The substance of what he has said shows that he has just as much of that 'racist poison' as anybody, but his is couched in an elitist attitude.

    It will be very hard to make any real progress against racism until these folks stop running these guilt-trips and citing history that those of us alive today had nothing to do with, and just focus on the here-and-now.

    What can you and I do to get along well today?

    If I treat you with love and respect, will you do the same?

  5. Let you read this ,because of a surge in black racism in this country we are more divided than ever. A man went into a black church this year and shot and killed 7 black people at that church. Following this act we now cannot fly a Confederate Flag, we cannot have Southern Confederate History and is all being re-written, our statues of heroes in the Confederacy are being torn down. We are told "Only black lives matter" constantly and see it everywhere. The Civil War and Black slavery were a long time ago, none of those blacks are still living, why then are we still paying for what others did, when does it stop? I don't live and never have lived hating blacks, and being a racist, and I am tired through and through of hearing it. Got it? Amen.

  6. Hmmmm....how kind of him to admit his failings to us....
    I must point out, however, that by labeling ALL white people as having the racist poison, he has labeled HIMSELF a racist.
    I hate to break the news to him, but there are people from all races who are too busy living life (as in, the electric bill or groceries? medicine for my wife, or gas in the car? shoes or a coat, but not both, etc) to worry too much about cleansing the "poison" out of our lives.
    Try working for a living. Having only the number of children YOU can support. MARRY the woman you have 3 kids with. Stop thinking violence. prison time, beating up "bitches", and using drugs are things to glorify and cheer. Teach your children respect for the law and set an example. Did I mention WORK?
    If you try these things, I think you will watch the "poison" of racism start disappearing faster than water down a drain. But THAT would be asking YOU to actually have some ownership in the question of why Asians, Irish, Germans, Japanese, etc., overcame hardship and racism to become successful in America, but you can't, despite a couple of TRILLION dollars in every kind of "assistance" men could dream up. And you still can't get out of the ghetto.
    Believe THIS --- it ain't "racism" keeping you down. Its YOURSELVES.
    Keep cheering.


  7. He's missed confessing to his real problem - he's a full of poopist!

  8. He has imprisoned himself with his own hate.

  9. I'm proud to be white. I don't like this guy bc he sucks

  10. He is the racist. A black raciest who hates whites. Never satisfied. Even though whites have made the black race more successful by bringing blacks to America. If Blacks had stayed in Africa they wouldn't be too happy today.

  11. I am elderly, poor, and white. I grew up in the deep South and witnessed the way black people were treated and have grieved for the unfairness of it my whole life. When I go back there now I'm amazed at the changes. Black people can go where they like, live and work where they like, and go to school where they like. Many have left to go to cities where they have more opportunities. There is no way to erase the evil that was slavery from our nation's conscience, but there are many, many ways to become educated, maintain families, and live better lives. Just complaining about white racism doesn't accomplish it.

  12. every race on this planet has been slaves at one time or another, and slavery STILL goes on in this world. muslims still have slaves, there are sex slaves, slave labor on ships, etc. the only chains blacks are still hooked to are the ones around their necks and the ones they impose on themselves. nothing justifies their bad behavior. they use racism and slavery as crutches. I for one no longer care. you want to act like fools you will get treated like fools.

  13. I am sick and TIRED of the "Dear White People" rants the slightly literate amongst them are so fond of banging out on their keyboard.

    I have only seen a couple good "Dear Black People" open letters...I think it's time for more.


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