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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Bernie Sanders: ‘We will raise taxes, yes we will’

DES MOINES, Iowa – With just a week to go before the critical Iowa Caucuses, Bernie Sanders Monday night acknowledged in the most clear terms yet that his single-payer health care plan would raise taxes.

“We will raise taxes, yes we will,” Sanders said to moderator Chris Cuomo of CNN at a Democratic forum on the campus of Drake University.

It’s the kind of blunt, un-politician-like talk that has endeared Sanders to his fans, but it’s also a comment ready-made for a political attack ad.

Sanders went on to say that a focus on taxes entirely misses the point, because his plan would reduce health insurance premiums by even more than it would raise taxes. The campaign of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton has attacked her opponent’s health plan for tax hikes, a charge Sanders Monday night called “unfair criticism” because his plan would ultimately save people money.



  1. The man is a moron.

  2. Two Things Could Be TrueJanuary 27, 2016 at 11:42 PM

    He's a socialist. Of course, he will raise taxes. Socialists are very good at sucking money out of the public to fund their nonsense.

  3. What's frightening is just about everyone between the ages of 18 and 30 will vote for Sanders. I have the need to be on the campuses of SU and UMES and all I hear from students is how great Sanders will be as their President. Mark this comment, Sanders will be the Democrat's candidate for President.

  4. To Quote Margaret Thatcher, "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."

    Enough said.

  5. 6:01 don't worry. Most in that age group do not actually turn out and vote. The percentage of those registered voters who do not vote in a world wide joke. We should be up in the 90 percentile range yet it consistantly stays less than 50%. No, Sanders won't get it. Too much talk and not enough action for those young people.

  6. At least he's honest and tells us to our faces that he plans to raise taxes...unlike the current POSPOTUS that lied when he said if you make less than 250K per year, your taxes won't go up!

  7. its a good thing, if I pay more in taxes I will b eligible for govt assistance, im on the borderline now, thanks bernie

  8. I am not advocating for nor supporting his plan but let's at least be honest. In his plan, the tax increase would be more than offset by the complete elimination of private, for-profit health insurance premiums.

    There are many people who annually pay more in health insurance than they do in taxes.

    BlueCross, Cigna, etc. add no value to the consumer or the process. They extract money, pure and simple.

  9. What he doesn't address is that for the "single payer health care" plan that he would then put us on, we would have to wait for an MRI to be "approved." This could take up to a year just for the approval. CAT scan--same prognosis. Wait for approval. Talk with some people from other countries who actually have this type of socialist insurance. They can't get anything done. So we would go from insurance with deductibles and premiums so high we can't afford to use it to insurance that we could afford to have, but it would still be useless.

  10. Why would you need approvals? If you put everyone on Medicare, no approvals are required for tests. It's the commercial insurance companies who require an authorization and many times they question why a test is needed and will deny it. The commercial insurance companies are also the insurances with "networks" of participating doctors. There are no networks with Medicare and most everyone accepts it.


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