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Monday, January 11, 2016

Baltimore Sun: Obama Should Create Public Registry Of Gun Owners

On January 7, The Baltimore Sun gave President Obama kudos for issuing executive orders for gun control, but expressed their desire that he add another measure–a public registry of gun owners.

And the Sun wants the registry to be searchable, so that mothers can look up the parents of their children’s friends to see if they keep guns in their homes.

The article, by the Sun‘s deputy editorial page editor, put it this way:


  1. How about a public registry of Liberals so come voting day all the republicans can go deflate some tires...The ridiculousness of such a suggestion and or opinion is astounding.

  2. As long as there is a corresponding public registration of houses without guns. Let it be public knowledge of who has... and doesn't... guns.

    Turn about is fair play.

    We want to criminals to know where the "Gun Free" zones are after all...

  3. I say be a parent and be current in your kids lives.

  4. Nothing like advertising where all the guns are. Saves wasting time burgling homes with nothing to obtain...

  5. List of gun free liberals please.

  6. That is a big no, it is not the public's right to know what I do and do not own!

  7. We need a listing of drunk drivers, they all would be on it !

    1. Didn't secret service members get caught for DUI very recently. Hmmmm.

  8. 11:45
    If the police doesn't know you have guns, how will they ever be able to come and confiscate them?

  9. The Public does not have a right to know. The Police and Feds already know. When you buy one your paper work stays on file that is how they track weapons from sale to present. Therefore the Public has no need to know. Let the criminals take their chances.

  10. The same morons who in 2008 who said Obama is going to...
    1. End the wars
    2. Fix education
    (Common Core?)
    3. Be pro-environment
    (as his EPA poisons a river)
    4. Banking regulation
    (same thieves in charge)
    5. Reform Healthcare
    (what you get when the industry writes the bill)
    6. Reform the criminal justice system
    (to top off no reform executes an American citizen by drone with no trial... but hey I guess the Clinton's set the precedent when they murdered all those men, women and children who were committing no crime and on private property in Waco, TX.)
    7. Slow/Stop Deporting families...

    Now I can go on and I but I am going to stop on this one and point something out to you. This is the "Dreamer" President. He loves to talk big about how loving and accepting the Democrats are. So at a time when people who have been here for years feel like it is safe to go ahead and register for citizenship, they do, and an ICE swat team shows up in the middle of the night, or when they are at work or when they are at church and hauls them away but leaves some family members behind. They are rubber stamped by an immigration court and shipped back to their home country dropped off at a pre-selected location with only the clothes on their back and their family thousands of miles away. They would have continued just flying under the radar until they REGISTERED with the government!

    The same thing is going to happen with guns. I laughed my ass off when 'bama started going in to suicide figures too. I saw it all play out right in front of my eyes.

    Have you ever been prescribed an anti-depressant? Use is at an all time high. I wouldn't register that gun if I were you. They make take you both away. Can't lie about it. They are all up in your medical records too, so they know.

    They are going to tell you that they know best who is a threat and who is not. Who should own a tool of self defense and who shouldn't. The same guy who is guarded by SS who are high on cocaine, just pulled an all-niter with a Columbia hooker and are armed with automatic weapons.

    Theoretically- You have a gun, anyone but you can shoot this gun. You are in a big group of people and suddenly a madman starts shooting.
    Would you hand your gun to a random stranger to help defend you?
    I would, and that is why I would feel totally safe with relaxing gun laws, because I know that only 1 in 1 million people walking around would want to start executing innocent people in the street, and if they were all strapped he would think twice.

  11. How ironic that an entity with Constitutional protections would come out with such a proposal.
    They don't know that eroding the Bill of Rights (or erasing it like the Patriot Act did) is just ONE step.
    Wait until our "leaders" determine that controversial editorials upset the population (hurtful words, bigotry, etc.) will also not be allowed anymore. And don't bother protesting, unless you want to risk your life and freedom, because "austerity" demands cutbacks in crowd control and besides, all those people in one place represent a danger to the "homeland".
    Further, since people moving about freely (and communicating in ways that can't be overheard) can spread dangerous ideas quickly, the Nazi "checkpoints" you loved so much just get ramped up a bit.
    THIS is what Germans went through (they cheered so loudly the whole world heard them) as do the Chinese, North Koreans, and so many others today.
    When told to shut up, stop cheering, they laughed -- "can't happen here....".
    Guess what?


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