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Monday, January 18, 2016

Back in Annapolis!

Back in Annapolis!

Wednesday, January 13th marked the beginning of the436th Legislative Session in Maryland. Opening Session is always a grand affair with many dignitaries and noted guests in attendance. Governor Hogan addressed the members of the House of Delegates and highlighted his legislative agenda, which consisted of several targeted tax incentives.

Legislatively, I look forward to a very hectic session. We’ve heard that there may be as many as twice the amount of bills this year compared to last year. My staff and I have been reading through bills to separate the good from the bad and brainstorming to craft potential amendments that would improve some of them. I am a member of the Environment and Transportation Committee and our committee typically entertains bills that have a direct impact on farming and poultry. We expect to see some bills that would be detrimental to our farm community, which is the economic engine of the Lower Eastern Shore. We will be working hard to defeat any such bill. In an effort to prevent bad legislation, I have been holding an ongoing conversation with my colleagues in the General Assembly and groups that tend to support those bills.

Recently, the Wicomico County House Delegation met and discussed a bill that would allow the voters of the county to decide how the Wicomico County Board of Education is chosen. Currently, the board is appointed by the Governor. The Wicomico County Council and County Executive sent letters of support to the delegation for a school board bill. The delegation voted unanimously to move forward with a bill that would allow the voters to decide via referendum. The Senate version of the bill has been drafted and submitted and is sponsored by Senator Jim Mathias and Senator Addie Eckardt. Once the House bill is entered, we will have two bills that represent unanimous support from our county officials and our state officials.

This week Governor Larry Hogan held a press conference highlighting his legislative agenda, including a $480 million tax relief package. Some of the beneficiaries of his plan include seniors, working families, and small businesses. He also put forth a manufacturing jobs initiative that would create tax incentives for new manufacturers who open up in areas called “empowerment zones”. One of the zones would be located on the Lower Eastern Shore.

This session we will continue the practice of updating our Facebook page frequently and we will also be sending periodic newsletters via email. If you would like to contact us with an idea, issue, or concern please either call: 410-841-3431 or email:carl.anderton@house.state.md.us

I look forward to hearing from you.


  1. See if you can bring Beretta back? Bet you can't.

  2. He will not because he is against all gun bills that give free use and owning of guns by people of Maryland.

  3. I move out of Maryland in March this year, and live here for 58 years....So glad too...

    Keep your Commie State....

  4. How can any local business compete with Delaware?
    Delaware does not assess personal property tax on assets used in a trade or business.
    Delaware does not charge retail businesses a sales tax.
    Delaware does not decouple depreciation for assets from IRS established limitations. Want to attract new businesses? Get rid of these provisions!

  5. 2:40, You must be Jim or Chuck because that is a load of crap.


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