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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

As Saudi Arabia Bans CHESS, What Will Go Next in the Land of the Lash?

The board game was banned because it encourages gambling – after all, nothing gets the punters in like a five-hour draw between two pasty-faced Russians

At this rate, Saudi Arabia is in danger of losing its reputation as the fun capital of the world.

The Grand Mufti has seen fit to ban that most decadent of board games – chess.

At first I thought perhaps the queen was insufficiently covered up for him, or that he thought the idea of bishops was a bit too kafir.

But apparently it’s on the grounds that it encourages gambling.

After all, nothing gets the high rollers piling into Vegas like the prospect of a five-hour draw between two pasty-faced Russians.

While I understand and sympathise with what must be yet another crushing blow to all those Riyadh high street bookies, my main worry is where does this leave other games in the Arab world.



  1. Now they'll have to come to the 'States to play chess, smoke cigars, drink 50 year old scotch and whore around, just as they've done in the decades since the family got ridiculously filthy rich.

  2. They never had any good players anyway.

  3. Yet camel racing is a big sport over there. No gambling goes on, right!!


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