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Thursday, January 07, 2016

Aide or Handler?


  1. I'm all in for the Hildabeast to start wearing her burka cause I am sick of looking at her face.

  2. Handler, definitely.

  3. I didn't know old tired horses still needed a handler

  4. And Hillary fell for the BS, hook, line and sinker. Look at this woman's husband, the Weiner Dog, what's he doing these days? Playing househusband, so his muslim wife can go out and try to control the USA via Hillary - probably.

  5. She whispers pro muslim agendas in hillarys ear 24/7.

  6. Hopefully, the HildaBeast will be indicted for her mishandling of classified material and they'll throw both of these split-tails in jail where they belong!

  7. Her husband the "Weiner Dog". I love it!

    This is the best the democrats have to offer. Don't listen to the lunatics in the Republican Establishment. Donald Trump or anyone else willing to speak the truth about Hillary can, to take Fiorina's words out of her mouth, wipe the floor with her!

  8. Many Islamic Handlers have been strategically positioned in DC by the Democrats.

    Another thought,
    John Kerry has a black SUV running 24/7 in front of his residence.
    I wonder why???


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