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Monday, January 18, 2016

A Viewer Writes: La Bomba Scares

Joe, I have to wonder. With the NSA hoarding in and ciphering all phone calls and emails from all points across the nation, against the Constitution but happening anyway, why can’t they find in 7 days who is sending in these bomb threats?

Not happening, or complete ineptness? Why collect information if you won’t use it???

Riddle me this!


  1. maybe they are the ones doing it?

  2. Too insignificant for the NSA to waste their time with,no offense.

  3. They are not using a phone. It's a robocall.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    They are not using a phone. It's a robocall.

    January 18, 2016 at 10:18 PM

    ever hear of apps?

  5. Damn you, Alexander Graham Bell!

    1. Cellphones have ruined the world.

  6. Think about the crippling blow that every one of these calls blows. If it were ISIS at the cost of 15 cents they can cost the government hundreds of dollars on the spot and thousands in over-reaction. Multiply that by every school district in the country

  7. You can have all the data imaginable and it means nothing if no one is doing analysis. The more data you collect the more time needs to be spent analyzing to make sense of what it means. I have to agree with 9:38 PM

  8. because- the point of NSA snooping has never been and never will be all about safety. It has always been and always will be about industrial espionage and personal blackmail. I still believe they had some dirt of Chief Justice Roberts when Obamacare was rules lawful.

    If the NSA/CIA/FBI is Sooooooo good, why do they never stop folks like the San Bernadino shooters?


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