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Monday, January 25, 2016

53% of Dems Say Hillary Should Stay in Race EVEN IF INDICTED

A prediction was made recently by a former federal prosecutor that Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton could be indicted at any time because of her actions in transferring classified information through a private email server during her time as Secretary of State. The big question now is whether or not a criminal indictment should freeze Clinton’s presidential campaign. More than 50% of Democrats say it should not.

46% of potential American voters believe a presidential candidate charged with a felony should not be campaigning any further. According to a new national telephone poll by Rasmussen Reports, 47% of American voters believe a presidential candidate should be allowed to campaign until they are found “guilty” in a court of law.

Rasmussen Reports did not specify any particular candidate, although one can presume that Hillary Clinton was on the mind of most of the respondents.

54% of Republican voters believe a presidential candidate should stop campaigning if they are charged with a felony, while 41% think they should continue campaigning.

As for Democrats, the results are the opposite with 40% saying the candidate should stop and 53% thinking they should keep on campaigning until they are proven guilty in a court of law. Voters who identify as “unaffiliated” are split on this opinion.

More here


  1. Do they have a brain? Shame on you. map

  2. The Progressives are like a cult they have no scruples.

  3. Prime example on why the DemocRATS want convicted convicts, illegals, non-citizens and no ID voting to have the right to vote. The Clintons are a bunch of con-artist waiting their punishment. This includes the Clinton foundation money laundering / Ponzi scheme.

  4. When will people STOP talking and arrest her? I will believe it when I see it. I think she is above the law for some reason.

  5. That 53% are the definition of low info voter. Scary times ahead for this country.

  6. Oh, I'm sure she can run the country just fine from prison.


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