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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

13 Hours Confirms Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s Lies about Benghazi

It is impossible to experience the gripping new film 13 Hours and escape this conclusion: Obama and Hillary Clinton have lied through their teeth, gums, and cheeks about Benghazi.

Despite Obama’s and Clinton’s recurring lies to the contrary, the deadly attacks of September 11, 2012, on U.S. diplomatic and intelligence facilities in Benghazi, Libya, had no connection with political protests. In director Michael Bay’s political-action thriller, which Paramount Pictures calls “a true story,” these two outposts get slammed ferociously by growing waves of well-armed jihadists who know exactly what they are doing. As if mocking Obama’s and Clinton’s lies, they do not drop their picket signs and then suddenly grab grenades, rocket launchers, and mortar shells. Instead, these killers skip the placards and head straight for the firepower.

None of Benghazi’s mayhem depicted in 13 Hours involves Innocence of Muslims, the anti-Mohammed Internet video that Obama and Clinton faulted for the deaths of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, State Department technical officer Sean Smith, and private security contractors and former Navy SEALS Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. This disconnect reinforces the untruth of Obama’s and Clinton’s synthetic claim.



  1. Replies
    1. The men who were there were involved in making the movie and said it was accurate.

  2. Clinton hopes that we will grow tired of hearing about Benghazi and dismiss it from our minds.
    Rest assured, Mrs. Clinton, that very, very many of us will not. You and your politician friends killed them all. Military assets were ready, willing and able to move to defend those two outposts, but permission was denied. And again denied, and again.
    Help was not coming. You, Mrs. Clinton, were one of the key reasons that help not only didn't arrive, it wasn't sent. In the aftermath, you deflected, lied and denied.

    And you want to be our leader? Really?

  3. As 9:54 AM said, It's a movie. I am not a fan of H. Clinton but to make investigative conclusions based on a Hollywood fictional creation is nonsense.

    1. I guess you missed the testimony of the men who were there those 13 hours about the facts in the movie.

  4. 10:04 am....couldn't be said better. She should be charge with "Accesory to Murder"!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not overstating this...She assisted in the murders of those men by total neglect!!!

  5. 9:54 - I have not seen the movie and know they are lying. Just the emails prove the lies.

  6. At this point... it still makes a difference.

  7. Never forget the loss of patriots who fought and died for our country while stationed abroad. Never forget.

  8. Who cares, get over it.

  9. 5:56 Never, the evil bitch will pay.


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