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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Lifestar Operating Illegally In Maryland? PRMC May Have Some Explaining To Do!

At first, when I witnessed this Lifestar vehicle in a Salisbury parking lot I was somewhat ticked off because the spaces are not only tight in this parking lot, (across from PRMC) you can see where they didn't properly park in their space. Meaning, unless you had a motorcycle, you were not going to fit into the next space. 

As I looked further I noticed their expiration date sticker scratched off their tag. Considering I used to live in New Jersey, I knew that you also have to have a sticker on your front windshield, so I looked. Wouldn't you know it, it too is expired. 

So I started doing more research and I came to learn that this company allegedly no longer has an Office in New Jersey. Then I learned not too long ago one of their fleet of ambulances had been pulled over for their dead tags and received a citation. Clearly the company didn't care or respect the law because they are still operating what appears to be illegal non registered vehicles in Maryland. 

Now, what you should know is that this company, (Lifestar) holds an EXCLUSIVE contract to transport PRMC patients. You would think that a company as large as PRMC would make sure the service companies they hire are operating legally. Clearly that is not the case. 

Check them out for yourself. The next time you see a Lifestar Ambulance, look at their tags. See for yourself that they are not current. Heck, take a picture of each one and send it to us. Let's see just how many of these vehicles are running around Wicomico County. 


Rick Pollitt's Residence
 Lee Beachump's Residence

You know, like the Solar Panels that were recently installed by SOLAR CITY on Waller Road at the Transfer Station. 

OK, so perhaps you're a bit confused at this point. Well, Solar City installed the massive project on Waller Road. What you DON'T see in the first two images are the BRAND NEW Solar Panels on the ROOF of Rick Pollitt and Lee Beachump's homes, ONLY because Google hasn't done a recent update on their properties. 

HOWEVER, I encourage ALL of you to not only look up their addresses but strongly recommend that you take a ride to BOTH of their homes to see the brand new solar panels that this very same company conveniently installed on their personal homes. 

In fact, take a picture and send it to us and we'll update the article to show how nice they look. 

You see Ladies & Gentlemen, THIS is what you won't get from the rest of your local media. Heck, you have to wonder if Rick had been reelected, would he have an incinerator installed in his back yard too?

I'm calling for a FORMAL investigation by County Executive Bob Culver and our States Attorney Matt Maciarello to assure us taxpayers these residential Solar Panels are on the up and up. I want to see FAIR pricing, FAIR financial arrangements, (if at all) and no favoritism or I want charges filed against BOTH these men. 

Heck, as much money as I have, even I don't have solar panels on ANY of my properties. SOMETHING STINKS REALLY BAD HERE!

UPDATE: We're being told that former County Executive Rick Pollitt may NOT have solar panels on his roof. While we have three reliable sources who did state he does have them on his property, they may be wrong. We'll keep you updated. 

Mayor Ireton Flamboyant Once Again

Jim Ireton is threatening the County Executive, the County Council and the Citizens of Wicomico County with the fire service agreement. Jim Ireton is threatening to stop fire and EMS responses outside the city limits with this budget. The County and the Salisbury Fire Department already have a Mutual Aid Agreement and they have already been compensated by the County. And you can't forget that the city is compensated by billing you and your health insurance companies with a astronomical bill for services already paid for by your taxes.

Look at page 11 and 12 of the budget

The County also pays for each of the volunteers as well for these services. The Salisbury Volunteers workers compensation insurance is covered by the county and it is totally different from the paid firemen and paramedics. They are also covered for the other services listed and they get their share of those grants listed as well.

20-52 GRANT(S)

Mayor to Deliver FY 2016 Budget, Talk Reduction in Fees,
Infrastructure and Jobs, and Fire Service Nuclear Option

Salisbury - Mayor James Ireton, Jr. today announced that he will forward his FY 2016 budget to the Salisbury City Council, in accordance with the City Charter, on Wednesday, April 15th, 2015.

Mayor Ireton will hold a press conference at 3:45 p.m. on Wednesday, in Council Chambers (room 301 of the Government Office Building) to provide a thorough overview of the budget. Key points of discussion will include:

The third straight year of water/sewer rate cuts

The first ever proposed drop in Urban Service sewer rates

Focus on citizen safety

Infrastructure improvements, including Main Street Master Plan and Over $1M in paving projects

New Zoo exhibit

City surplus

The “Nuclear” option for fire service – Keeping Salisbury Fire and EMS from leaving City limits unless and until a Fire Service Agreement is reached with Wicomico County.

Citizens and members of the press are encouraged to attend.

BREAKING NEWS: Hillary Clinton announces presidential bid

Senior aide confirms Hillary Clinton’s 2016 run via email Sunday to supporters.

SBYNews Call Out Salisbury Mayor & Police Chief, They Respond

At 11:30 last night we published: 

SPD Calls For Service April 10th, 11th and 12th 2015.

At 12:53 today we published: 

Local Law Enforcement And Bogus Reports

As you can see from the NEW image above, the City has now not only updated their information, they are now calling it a MURDER under investigation. 

Yesterday WBOC tried to pass it off by saying the police were in possession of video surveillance, implying their was no foul play. 

As mentioned earlier today, it seems law enforcement became extremely upset that Salisbury News had exposed a dead naked person at PRMC inside a vehicle and once again, no one else has covered that FACTUAL information. 

Now, we hold in our possession SCREEN SHOTS of the images we not only took but also published. Someone, (probably law enforcement) has been trying to suggest in comments that we altered our original information. We have evidence that this is not at all true. It was absolutely held back and corrected most recently, more than likely because we exposed it. 

Do NOT trust your Mayor and Police Chief any longer. There is much more crime going on than is being reported. YOU should be demanding to know who the person was who was found dead at PRMC as well. 

A Viewer Writes: "Welcome to Salisbury"

Let me start by saying, I did not take these pictures, nor did I encourage anyone to do so. The images were delivered to me because residents of Salisbury are plain sick and tired of watching the current elected officials let Salisbury continue to fall into disrepair. 

I don't want to come off like a broken record but two years ago you had a choice. You could either elect someone who had proven over the previous four years he could not handle sending Salisbury into the right direction OR you could have elected someone who had an actual vision, a platform with a master plan to set the City on a path to rebuild. Regardless of the outcome, the images above are just a small sample of what you got.

I say all this because there's a new election coming up. As we see it, you have Jim Ireton and Jake Day already showing interest to become your next Mayor. The way I see it is, I've not seen Jake Day flat out come out and say things just aren't working.

That being said, will the people holding forums for this upcoming election actually address the hard questions the people truly want answers for? More importantly, will the candidates deliver a master plan that does NOT include affordable housing units and even more assistance from the government?

Like me or not, we deliver factual information here on Salisbury News. Is it information people like Jim Ireton or Jake Day want to see, probably not. However, SOMEONE needs to hold our elected officials accountable and because I do just that, (hopefully speaking for many thousands of people who cannot afford to) and in the end they create Blogs about me and my Family. Yes, there's a price to pay but you have to admit, I have been the ONLY person out there who stands up to these people who have delivered boarded up houses and businesses. We have exposed the massive volume of business closures and unemployment figures. You are not getting that anywhere else and for that I'm the bad guy. 

Someone needs to step up to the plate who has a business background. Someone with a vision the go after restructuring Salisbury without increasing taxes and borrowing from the government. Oh, believe me, it can be done. Guess what though, it's HARD WORK. Why do that when you can just ask for this grant or borrow money because it's there. 

DEMAND better, Ladies & Gentlemen. This election is far more important than any one of you can believe. Voting for a Hillary Clinton or a Jim Ireton again will destroy America. Start rebuilding NOW. No more rain taxes or whatever else they're going to create to bleed us until we die. If you are not a registered voter, REGISTER! Take back your community before it's too late. 

Water Rescue/Possible Drowning In Salisbury

A person is being pulled out of the river near Rise Up Coffee. 
 CPR is in progress and Salisbury EMS is en route.

Crime scene tape has been put up and the police are investigating this incident. 

Mayor Ireton Sticks It To The Culver Family

During the Downtown Easter Egg Hunt event recently, Mayor Ireton DEMANDED that Sobo's park their catering trailer directly in front of the Cellar Door Restaurant.

While Sobo's did their best to try to move it elsewehere, (since there was so many other places they could have relocated) Ireton refused to allow them to go anywhere else.

The Culver Family are in fact one of the big investors in trying to revitalize Downtown and because Culver had not responded to Ireton's Fire Service demands, Ireton stuck it to them.

The man acts like a little spoiled child and will do whatever it takes to RETALIATE against anyone who doesn't bow to his demands. 

Salisbury is in desperate need of a new Mayor. Do NOT let the same old Good Ol' Boys who are CONNECTED with the many former behind the scene special interests in the upcoming election.

Ireton Freaks Out Over Blogs In Press Conference

When Jim Ireton held a press conference the other day, he went on the attack over Blogs and to be fair the rest of the Press as well. 

He was upset because of the way we, (Blogs) handled the alleged drowning in the river. 

Because I refuse to give this childish, immature, flamboyant mayor ANY attention at his LOOK AT ME press conferences, I refused to attend. HOWEVER, if I had gone I would have immediately stood up and said, (hypothetically) Jimmy, what if I were to chase you on the top floor of the parking garage and watch you jump to the ground. IF you happen to die, no crime, right? I mean, you voluntarily jumped, right?

In one way, shape or form, there was s a crime here and I firmly believe the majority of the public see you and the Police Chief as people who will do ANYTHING to make sure serious crime is no longer reported in Salisbury. 

I also believe there should be criminal charges. Such as, 1st degree murder, 2nd degree murder, manslaughter, something. The you man was obviously in fear for his life, so much so he ran into a river knowing he cannot swim.

Finally, what a HORRIBLE way to go! Think about it Jimmy, his very WORST FEAR is the way this young man died. Well, if you don't like my opinion on this matter, go pound sand. You stood up in front of a very small and select group of people and cried like a little girl and the press refused to air it. 

Well, I think you deserve the attention from us so called nasty Blogs. You, (as a Liberal) only want press out there that agrees with the sick and twisted Liberal views and beliefs. If ANYONE out there doesn't support your personal lifestyle, we're Homophobes. If we disagree with Obama, we're Racists. 

I think I'll stick to what I do every day and fight A-Holes like you. It just makes me feel a little bit better every day.

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 4-15-15

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " Mayor Ireton Sticks It To The Culver Family":

I work in the GOB. What the old regime is trying to do to Culver is disgusting. Matt Creamer, John Cannon, Sharon Morris and Wayne S. are working on a plan to get rid of him. They've probably enlisted Ireton to help. I hope Culver realizes what is going on.

We are not stupid. We see all the whispers in the hall and the constant meetings. Morris and Wayne can't stay away from Creamer's office. Cannon is nothing but a puppet for Creamer.

Remember Cannon brought Creamer back from retirement during his first election. Creamer is nothing but a double dipper who is 73 years old, drinks during work hours and racks up his comp time. THIS is what is going on taxpayers! They are not fooling us.

Employees who supported Culver are worried because we know the games Morris and Wayne play. We've watched it for the last 8 years with "Mr. get to work at 10 a.m." Pollitt. He was a lazy slob and everyone knew it so Morris and Wayne had a field day.

Culver better be watching his back or they will succeed in doing him in by giving him bad advice. They've already done it, causing him to look like a fool at council meetings. Why hasn't Culver done what he said and gotten rid of that bunch? Culture hasn't changed in the GOB. Employees expected more.

Can't These Two Stop Dressing Like Circus Clowns

As all of you know, yesterday Governor Hogan visited Salisbury. The reception Downtown was massive. The Mayor wore sunglasses, no suit jacket, no tie and a pair of sneakers. Mitchell, she wore a tee shirt.

Have you Liberal hacks no class whatsoever? Am I missing something here? Perhaps it's a LGBT thing. Come on people, enlighten me. Am I in fact missing something here?
Thousands of people show up to meet the Governor, (you're welcome 3rd Friday) and your Mayor and Council member dress as if they're planning for a long night out of drinking. A Little help here Jim and Laura, YOU CAN CHANGE once the Governor leaves. These are images that will last forever in history and of course Salisbury will look as if we are in fact the OUTHOUSE of the Eastern Shore.

I guess the two of you think you PUNKED the Governor. No, you PUNKED the taxpayers. As so many commmenters say, "A$$HAT". 

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 4-16-15

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " COUNTY EXECUTIVE RESPONDS TO MAYOR IRETON’S FIRE S...":

Speaking as a city taxpayer who did not vote for Ireton, please know that my wife and I are ashamed, embarrassed, and angry about our mayor's policies, tactics and behavior.

Having said that, if you can possibly ignore the mayor's silly grandstanding, we ARE double taxed for emergency services. We believe that a more equitable agreement should be ironed out.

Having said THAT, we also firmly believe that if any agreement is ironed out, we the city taxpayers will see no tax relief as a result. The mayor will give it away to some liberal scheme doomed to yet another failure.

Alas, such is life in the big city led by this fool.

Publishers Notes: There are services that the County and City provide that overlap each other. I had a wonderful conversation with Jake Day on this matter. His response was extremely professional. He said, Joe, we need to start by getting to the table and discussing this. He agrees with the Mayor that there is a service provided that seems unfair but that we should not put a gun to someone's head and demand anything without first sitting down at the table to see where everyone stands. 

If the County can't afford it at this time, so be it. However, now that it's on their radar screen, perhaps a better partnership agreement can be made that suits the City and the County. 

In speaking to Mr. Culver on this matter, he's open to all kinds of possibilities. However, what ALL of you need to understand is that Jim Ireton made NO attempt, (other then a demanding letter of threats) to sit down and discuss this matter. 

Give it time Folks. My guess is that Culver and Day will iron this thing out, no doubt about it. However, I highly doubt anything will be completed under Ireton's watch. 

Mayor Ireton Grandstanding Over Nuclear Option With Fire Department

While some are wondering WHY County Executive Bob Culver has remained quiet over the flamboyant Jim Ireton and his hissy fits over demanding the County pony up money for the alleged City's responding to County calls, allow me to further explain.

First of all, Ireton's treat is a load of crap. YOU should know that the County has already PAID the City for the fire service up to October of 2015, so Ireton can't stop anything. It's a BS threat.

More importantly, ever since day ONE, Bob Culver has been eyebrow deep in working on the County Budget. Bob is brand new to this extremely difficult budget and Jim Ireton knows it. For Jim, after all these years, it's a no brainer for Jim.

On the other hand, Bob has had to micro manage every department in the County from day one to get a clear understanding of their wants and needs. He has worked diligently doing just that and on behalf of the taxpayers you have NEVER seen such an in depth learning curve. Bob isn't depending on former staff to complete this task and he professionally dedicated the past 5 months getting a firm grip on things and as of yesterday delivered the final budget to the County Council. 

So where does that leave us. As of TODAY, Bob has the time to concentrate on all of the other concerns and Jim Ireton is simply taking advantage of Bob Culver, knowing he hadn't had the time to put up a fight. Ireton has been grandstanding against Bob just like he constantly did to Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen.

As for what we might see in the Fire Department in the future, well, Ireton better be damn careful what he wishes for. I say that on my own behalf because this is what I see. I see Delegate Carl Anderton as our new representative in Annapolis. I see the FACT that the County is in charge of the 911 service, NOT the City. IF the Fire Chief's choose to redistrict and expand their maps to cover the entire County, (which I believe is extremely possible and safe) the City will LOSE all County funding. I believe that comes to around $600,000.00 a year. That will force the City to once again increase taxes to pay for all of the PAID Firefighters.

I don't know how Executive Culver will handle this situation but let me assure all of you, Culver is NOT ignoring this situation by any means. He has had a LOT on his plate and as I stated above, the County has until OCTOBER to rectify this manufactured situation by Mayor Jim Ireton. The Press knows this as well, so they too are doing a disservice to the public as well. 

Bob is no dummy. While I would have enjoyed Bob having the free time to counter what Ireton has threatened, I understand and respect his priority choices, especially knowing there's an agreement until October. 

There, now you know why Bob Culver has chosen to remain quiet about this. While I'm at it I'm going to add, ALL of  the RUMORS about the Employee Handbook are a load of crap too. Some have stated Bob is taking away all kinds of benefits from the employees, TOTAL BS!

The changes are for FUTURE County Employees. When you are making $100,000.00 PLUS a year, you should NOT be getting COMP TIME! You either use it or lose it, period. Now I'm a FIRM believer that ANYONE on salary does NOT get comp time at all! Comp time is designed for the lower paid employees as an incentive. NOT at the executive level and I'm extremely confident ANY business owner reading this will firmly agree. 

So understand, not one employee currently working for the County will be impacted. Let the comments begin.

Ocean City Shines Light On "Bus Cop" Campaign

(OCEAN CITY, Md.) - The next time you step on a public bus in ocean city, you may not know who you're sitting next to.

Well ocean city police want you to at least know that it could be one of its officers come summer.

"There's a mindset that maybe if you tell people ahead of time that there's police officers on the bus, then hopefully, it will diffuse any bad behavior," said Jessica Waters, Ocean City Communications Director.

The campaign is known as "Bus Cop."



The County entered into discussions with the City last year utilizing the services of the Bosserman Center for Conflict resolution. Subsequent to the first meeting, the mayor refused to honor the city’s longstanding agreement to provide first response to the airport in the event of a declared emergency. This jeopardized the airport’s FAA certification and the County moved quickly to replace Salisbury with Parsonsburg. Given that sort of reckless behavior, discussions ceased. 

The fire service agreement has a long history of cooperation between the city and the county... decades of mutual support and a recognition that each must do its part to provide adequate core services to our community. 

The city and volunteer fire companies have periodically reviewed fire safety districts and have crafted binding mutual aid agreements focused on providing the highest level of public safety response . . . the mayor now threatens to violate those agreements... agreements made by those professionals who can best design our emergency response system. 

Notwithstanding the Mayor’s arbitrary demands and timelines, County staff has been undertaking its own review and analysis of fire and Emergency Service. When the County feels that it has completed a thorough, factual investigation, review and analysis we will issue further statements as to our position. 

In the meantime, as County Executive, I will not allow the safety of the public to be jeopardized and I will take whatever measures are necessary to ensure that our citizens are protected.

Women in Combat? Well, Maybe Not.

A female infantry experiment implemented by the Obama administration has come to a close without the results many wanted to see.

The Marine Corps Times reports, “The two-and-a-half year period in which the Marine Corps' Infantry Officer Course became gender-integrated for research will end without a single female graduate.

The final iteration of IOC to accept female Marines on a volunteer basis began April 2 with two female participants. One was a volunteer and one was a member of the newly integrated ground intelligence track. Both were dropped that same day during the grueling initial "Combat Endurance Test.”

All told, 27 women volunteered alongside two other mandatory participants — well short of the Corps goal of 100 — and all failed to pass the entirety of the course. As for the program’s future, the Pentagon will have the final say.


IS supporters post cartoon depicting Obama beheading

‘Mom! Dad! Jihadi John is going to slaughter me!’ president says before he is killed in animated video

Affiliates of the Islamic State group have released an animated video depicting a jihadist beheading US President Barack Obama
The clip, which was uploaded and translated on Saturday by MEMRI, a US-based Middle Eastern media watchdog group, begins with the words “Message to America,” followed by a scene portraying the American president on his knees and crying profusely.

The president’s head is seen held by “Jihadi John” — the British citizen infamous for his role in videos showing the grisly executions of Western citizens captured by the terrorist group — who slaps the American president on the head, calling him a “mule” in Arabic.

“This knife has been craving Obama’s stinky blood and today Allah gave us the power to capture the mule of the Jews,” the executioner says, slapping the president once again and demanding he speak.


Would you eat this school lunch?

PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) — Portsmouth Public Schools admits they are concerned with the presentation of a student’s lunch that was served Tuesday at Jake Hurst Elementary.

Dozens of people reached out to 10 On Your Side after a student’s mother posted a picture of the meal on social media. It shows cooked corn on a lunch platter, alongside a fish filet with a bun placed on top.

According to the school district’s lunch menu, which is posted online, the lunch choices served Tuesday were the following:

  • Spicy Cajun Fish w/Brown Rice
  • Cold Cut Turkey Sub (w/g)
  • Assorted Chef Salad (Croutons & Crackers)
  • Steamed Carrots & Side Salad
  • Fresh Orange or Canned Fruit
  • 1% & Skim Milk

Even FORMER County Exective Rick Pollitt Told Tilghman & Ireton To Go Pound Sand

So why is the local media conveniently IGNORING the FACT that Pollitt refused to fund the City for the fire service in the EIGHT years he was in office?

Funny how the flamboyant WMDT is receiving inside information from the Mayors Office and the Daily Disappointment continues to attack Culver on an issue they NEVER discussed under LIBERAL leadership! 

Just imagine a spoiled little girl stomping her feet and screaming, I WANT, I WANT, I WANT! That's what Ireton is looking like. 

In the end you'll watch WMDT start calling Culver "The Executive Of No's". When all is said and done, Jimmy will lose the upcoming election as people are completely fed up with his liberal sided tactics and misrepresentations of facts. 

Now do tell me why it was OK for Pollitt to say NO to Tilghman and Ireton but it's NOT OK for Bob to say no?

Bad Accident In Salisbury. Route 13 Shut down

There is a bad accident in the area of Zion Road and Route 13. Directly under the bypass bridge.

Northbound 13 is shut down
Southbound 13 is down to one lane

‘Disgusting, Sickening’: Sheriff Says Video Shows Spring Break Revelers Watching Apparent Gang Rape Take Place on Crowded Beach; Two Students Charged

PANAMA CITY, Fla. (TheBlaze/AP) — Two college students have been charged with sexually attacking a woman on a crowded Florida beach filled with spring break revelers who seemed to do nothing to stop what authorities called an apparent “gang rape.”
Ryan Austin Calhoun, 23, and Delonte’ Martistee, 22, were arrested Friday and charged with sexual battery by multiple perpetrators, according to the Bay County Sheriff’s Office. The Panama City News Herald reports both men are students at Troy University in Alabama.

The attack, recorded on a cellphone video, happened sometime March 10-12 in Panama City, Bay County Sheriff Frank McKeithen said at a news conference. Authorities learned of the assault when police in Troy, Alabama, discovered the video while investigating a shooting.


Ruby Tuesday to close 30 restaurants following quarterly losses

MARYVILLE (WATE) – Ruby Tuesday will close 30 restaurants over the next few months, though they won’t say which ones.

The announcement comes with the company’s report that it sustained more than 34 million dollars in losses in the last quarter.

Ruby Tuesday is in the midst of yet another brand transformation right now, which they say focuses on reclaiming their heritage as a “casual, affordable, energetic and approachable” place to eat.

The problem for Ruby Tuesday came nearly a decade ago when they tried to break away from the bar and grille competition, elevate the chain and attract more affluent customers.

“What they couldn’t see coming was the change in the economy and the market. By the time they implemented that plan, people were very leery of going out and spending $80 or $90 for a family of four to have burgers,” said Rick Laney of Rick Laney Marketing.

He says later decisions didn’t help things.


Does that sound like a fair share to you?

The top 20% of Americans pay 84% of federal income taxes, according to the Tax Policy Center. Does that sound like a fair share to you?
Posted by Fox Business on Monday, April 13, 2015

73-Year-Old Reserve Deputy Pulls Out His Gun and Makes a Fatal ‘Mistake’

An officer yells, “Taser!” and pulls the trigger.

But he was holding the wrong weapon.

The Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office released video Saturday showing the fatal shooting of Eric Courtney Harris — and police say the killing is the result of a 73-year-old reserve officer’s “inadvertent” mistake,CNN reported.

Harris was caught in a sting allegedly selling illegal weapons to an undercover cop on April 2, but he bolted from the scene when backup officers pulled up to arrest him.


Resort Officials Frown On Armrest Dividers For Boardwalk Benches

OCEAN CITY – City officials discussed installing center armrests on benches this week to prevent individuals from sleeping on the Boardwalk.

At the request of the Ocean City Police Department (OCPD), Terry Steimer of the city’s Public Works Department presented the Mayor and City Council with cost estimates to install center armrests on benches to deter extended slumbers.

According to Steimer, the OCPD has expressed concern over individuals sleeping on the benches on the Boardwalk.

“They feel it interferes with the merchants, residents and tourists, so the idea is to put a center armrest on the bench that will prevent people being able to stretch out,” Steimer said.


The Daily Times & Phil Davis Spanked By The State

The Open Meetings Compliance Board found County Executive Bob Culver did NOT violate the Open Meetings Act. The LIBERAL Newspaper tried once again to go on the attack and has once again come out looking like a FOOL. Between the Daily Times, Greg Bassett and Mike Dunn, do you think they'll formally apologize for their foolishness? 

Being A Gentleman On The Shore Doesn't Pay Off Any More

OK, so I'm now 53 years old. I was raised in an era in which we were taught common courtesy. You know, like opening a car door for a woman. Holding a door open for anyone and everyone, (like above). Thank You was a must. Good Morning, Good Afternoon, May I help You. Have a Great Day. Smile when you are doing a good deed. Help an elderly person cross the street. The list goes on and on and you are welcome to add other qualities in comments if you like.

My point here is, it's second nature for me to hold a door open for ANYONE after I enter. Unfortunately, all to often any more people just walk in as if I were the door man and it is expected. No, Thank You. Well, I should say, it's very rare to hear a Thank You any more. In fact, last week I was with some friends and a woman was leaving the business. Immediately two guys started harassing the woman and we immediately walked up and said, let us walk you to your car. She immediately started giving us a hard time, calling us names.

It's unfortunate, (in my opinion) that we now live in a society in which people don't appreciate the kindness of others. A few years ago I encouraged people driving down the road to wave to a Police Officer and smile. A gesture in a way to say Thank You for your service. I can't tell you how many Police Officers thanked me for doing that because that day they were overwhelmed with people waving to them. 

Can't we get back to our old ways of being kind. Perhaps if we were to do more of it, people will start feeling just a little more comfortable about where we live and enjoy the quality of people we're surrounded with every day.

When I walk down the Plaza, (for example) I always say Good Morning, Good Afternoon to EVERYONE I pass. While most people reply, some just bow their head and keep walking. Some look up with a great big smile and reply with the same. It is rewarding when you can feel like you've just made somebody's day. 

Try it, you'll like it.

Speed Limit Goes Up In Maryland

Bill passes with wide support

The Maryland General Assembly passed a bill allowing some highways to increase the speed limit to 70 mph. It is possible to balance safety with speed limit .

From the fiscal note: According to the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT), the eighty-fifth percentile speed is the speed at or below which 85% of motorists drive on a given road when unaffected by slower traffic or poor weather. MDOT considers the use of the eighty-fifth percentile speed a good guideline for setting the appropriate speed limit for a road. MDOT has advised that research indicates that the posted speed limit has little effect on the speeds at which most motorists drive. Thus, raising the speed limit, if done in accordance with traffic and engineering studies and in consideration of the eighty-fifth percentile guidelines, is unlikely to increase the number of crashes on a road.

Wanting Mental Health Treatment and Not Getting It

More than a half-million adults who said they wanted help with their serious mental conditions last year couldn’t get it because they lacked the resources and weren’t eligible for Medicaid to pay for treatment, a new study finds.

Those people — an estimated 568,886 adults ages 18 through 64 diagnosed with a serious mental illness, serious psychological stress or substance use disorder at the start of last year — lived in 24 states that didn’t expand Medicaid eligibility under the Affordable Care Act in 2014, according to a study published this week from the American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA).

In contrast, 351,506 adults with those same mental health problems got treatment paid for by Medicaid in the 26 states and the District of Columbia, which did expand coverage of the state-federal health insurance program to eligible adults living on low incomes.

The upshot, said Joel Miller, AMHCA’s executive director, is “the health of hundreds of thousands of people would be improved” if all states provided Medicaid coverage as they were given the option to under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).


Florida Man Flicks Off Cops in a ‘Tank.’ They Quickly Pull Him Over and Accuse His Female Passenger of Doing Something Disgusting.

It’s a phrase few Americans ever have the occasion to say: “I’m really getting pulled over by a tank right now.”

The reasons why the Florida man said it are just as eyebrow-raising as the fact that he was pulled over by a “tank” in the first place.

The whole encounter was captured on video.

The Gainesville Sun reported Monday on the story of 23-year-old Lucas Jewell, a self-professed Navy veteran and Gainesville City Commission candidate, who was pulled over by sheriff’s deputies in an armored personnel vehicle after a University of Florida football game Saturday.


Black Judges Gives Armed Robbers Light Sentence Saying Three-Year-Old White Victim is 'Racist'

A black judge in Kentucky has given two home invaders and armed robbers a light sentence because he feels that their three-year-old white victim was a “racist” because in her victim statement the little girl said she is now afraid of black people after they broke into her home and threatened her with a gun.

In an outrageous statement from the bench, Louisville Judge Olu Stevens attacked the tiny white toddler and her parents for their “racism” calling the little girl’s statement “disturbing” while at the same time excusing the actions of the criminals who traumatized her. That’s right, this judge was more upset at a little girl for being scared by armed robbers than he was at the armed robbers.

At the sentencing trial of one of the robbers, a victim’s impact statement written by the little girl’s mother was entered into evidence. The statement read in part, “Whenever we are running errands, if we come across a black male, she holds me tight and begs me to leave. It has affected her friendships at school and our relationships with African-American friends.”

Then the judge outrageously attacked the little girl saying her statement disgusted him…


Fox News Producer Asks People In Baltimore to Name an Obama Accomplishment, Gets These Answers Back

Fox News producer Jesse Watters hit the streets of Baltimore recently, asking individuals to name a single accomplishment from President Barack Obama.

The answers were wide-ranging.

“Can I get back to you?” one individual answered.

“Having [an] in-shape wife, I guess?” another person replied.


Mom discarded quadriplegic son with cerebral palsy in the woods and left to visit her boyfriend: police

A Philadelphia mom is in custody at a Maryland hospital after she allegedly ditched her disabled son in a wooded area inside a local park before skipping town to visit her boyfriend, according to authorities.

A passerby in Cobbs Creek Park discovered the 21-year-old man, a nonverbal quadriplegic who also has cerebral palsy, lying near an empty wheelchair with a Bible on his chest on Friday night after he was abandoned for five days without any provisions, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported.

The unidentified alleged victim is receiving treatment for a cut on his back, dehydration, malnutrition and exposure at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and is in stable condition following the 9 p.m. rescue, WCAU-TV reported.


Has The New York Times' David Brooks Converted to Christianity?

"I'm a believer," David Brooks said on National Public Radio Monday, and The New York Times columnist and author was not referring to his beloved New York Mets this season. Brooks was responding to a question about how his new book, "The Road to Character," has changed his religious life.

"I read a lot of theology — whether it's C.S. Lewis or Joseph Soloveitchik, a rabbi — and it's produced a lot of religious upsurge in my heart," he said, elaborating only slightly.

Brooks' muted but heartfelt reply reflects a change in the celebrated writer's tone and the subjects he chooses to write and speak about. In the course of his long writing career the 53-year-old Brooks has rarely broached the topic of his spiritual life. But in the last 12 months, he has been quite forthcoming.

"There's something just awesome about seeing somebody stand up and imitate and live the non-negotiable truth of Jesus Christ," Brooks told The Gathering, an annual meeting of evangelical Christian philanthropists, last October. He hardly hid his religiosity under a bushel there, telling the crowd, "I want you to know that I am for you and I love you," he said, noting that he attends a Bible study class.

In the introduction to his new book, Brooks disclosed a personal reason for writing it: "I wrote it to save my soul." Inspired by the authentic Christian joy of what he calls "incandescent souls," Brooks decided to find out what makes them tick. Writing "The Road to Character" was his method.
