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Friday, December 04, 2015

Yes, Even Many Of You Local People Use Very Old Pictures


  1. The worst one is Subway.On TV ads they look 2" thick but in actuality you could make 50 subs with a pound of lunch meat.

  2. That's the way it is on dating sites. These fat chicks post on pic that was professionally touched up like the ones you see on their Realtor advertisements. When you meet them in public for the first times their face looks like it has never seen make up and their guts are bigger than mine. Disgusting!

  3. If you go into McD's to buy that same burger you wouldn't be able to see the meat. Just like Subway it's nothing but a bread sub!

  4. As far as the caption maybe so, but that doesn't mean fast food restaurants should be using those types of pictures to sell food. It should be against the law.

  5. Campbells' was actually sued once because they used marbles with tomato sauce in their baked bean commercials.

  6. I'm not advertising to be sold....they are guilty of false advertising

  7. I look better after 50+ years than the sandwich does after 50+ seconds.


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