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Monday, December 21, 2015

Why Isn't This All Over The Main Stream Media? (click on title)

Why isn't this front page news? Why? Why? and Why? This is absolutely disgusting. Where are these numbers and why don't we as a nation know them. WTF?

Posted by Rocco Castellano on Saturday, December 12, 2015


  1. The hearing date was December 10, 2015.

    This is appalling!

  2. This is why Trump was right when he said we need to stop importing Muslims or anyone else until "We figure just what in the Hell we are doing".

  3. Its called "stone walling". Its a common tactic and its disgusting to watch when the country is in crisis.

  4. That was deliberate. I don't know whether she should know the numbers off the top of her head, but I am sure they have the means in place to obtain these numbers with a certain degree of reliability, at least for those who enter legally. I travel overseas and return to the US at least once a year and every time I've returned I've seen foreign nationals having their passports scanned, and themselves photographed and fingerprinted so I am confident they have collected the data and it exists somewhere. The last time we flew into Philadelphia my husband and I were both photographed and our passports scanned as part of the entry process.

  5. i like the term "Sprawling Department"

    that's part of what's wrong with this country! HUGE government agencies that do NOTHING!

    our tax dollars at work

  6. Obama and his Muslim Mafia know the numbers. Rest assured on this one. They also have a goal for America and most of us wouldn't like it. They're on target; one more year to go...

  7. Jeh Johnson - champion of potential victims of McCarthyism - is her boss

  8. So, they send a minor functionary in the department to offer no information. Typical. They all had a laugh at her office when she got back for lunch. And she'll get a nice Christmas (sorry, Holiday) bonus for her efforts.

  9. They subpoenaed her boss and he sends someone else?
    I'm pretty sure I'm going to jail for a few days if I did that.
    AND she was, quite obviously, dumber than a stack of wood.
    Ever hear of Contempt of Congress?
    Lock her up.
    Then, start the hanging.
    Keep cheering.

  10. BFD, when was the last congressional investigation that ended with anyone being held accountable? Washington is kabuki theater.


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