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Saturday, December 05, 2015

White House: Obama Thinks Gun Control Will Deter Terrorists

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said that President Obama thinks that gun control would help deter terrorists. Earnest made the comments Thursday at the White House's daily press briefing.

Peter Doocy: "President Obama yesterday jumped to say that this mass shooting means it's time for commonsense gun laws. Does the President really think that common sense gun laws would deter terrorists now that he has admitted that these two may have been terrorists?"

White House press secretary Josh Earnest: "Yes. The president believes that passing common sense gun laws that makes it harder for people with bad intentions to get guns, makes the country safer."

Peter Doocy: "But so the president thinks that when there are potentially two terrorists sitting around planning a mass murder they may call it off because President Obama has put in place common sense gun laws?"

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