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Saturday, December 05, 2015

What's Your Thoughts On This Hot Selling Shirt In Muslim Countries?


  1. I am not a real Donald Trump fan but this sort of backs up his claim of Muslim celebrations following 9/11

  2. CLOSE THE BORDERS!!! We can't continue to be the welfare state of the world.

  3. Obama has a shirt like that

  4. 9:12
    I clearly remember the TV showing celebrations in bagdad

  5. Burn the shirts then the ones wearing those shirts.

  6. 9:27 is right destroy the ones already lost...but we need to change that attitude for our safety and future

  7. I am all for it. The billows of smoke make a nice target on that easy to spot blue sky background.

  8. These third world turds don't bother me as long as they stay in their third world. The real issue is these turd bags are within our boarders living off of our tax dollars. Time to enforce the Southern Patriot Act. You will not find this in books it is a way of life. They took our flag next it will be our Southern Freedom.

    I am alarmed at all the migrants living here that believe Hillary should be next President. One migrant from Costa Rica stated Ohbama should be "President of the world" I swear this is true. I like this guy but where did he get this poison. This is what we have voting in America illegal and misinformed.

    If you don't look like me you are a terrorist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. That's why I have State Farm insurance. Like they say "Like a good neighbor, stay over there".

  10. For those who apparently do NOT remember 9/11 very well, there were definitely reports of muslim celebrations over the attacks and they were playing on the news...and they were right in the US not overseas.

  11. Remember this person's face. He's not a friend.

  12. How do we know his intentions are evil and not good? I don't see evidence of a negative unless I view it through bigoted atypical eyes.

  13. 12:12 What does mentally challenged look like? Are you Warren from something about Mary or Rudy?


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