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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Welcome To The New American Education System


  1. Using the teacher's own logic, both 28 and 103 round up, so 105-30 would still = 75.

    -2 for the "teacher".

  2. No wonder kids hate math and are so confused.

  3. This parent needs to go to the principal and board with this one.

  4. This teacher needs to be FIRED!

  5. you all wanted common core and you all ran your mouth about how we are conspiracy theorist, look a the evidence now, is living a reality still a conspiracy? NO it is called REALITY!!!!

  6. We used to learn rounding in school, thirty years ago, people. Chill out! This is not new!

  7. I imagine the directions, which are not included in this image, directed the child to use his/her "estimation" skills to justify the response.

  8. ^^^^Yes we did learn rounding but this kid's answer was correct and he/she had points taken off??? WTH?

  9. Same thing happened to my child. He argued that he did not need to estimate because he knew how to do the problem.

  10. 9:13 But Jamaal and Jose do not, so your child must regress to help them out.

    New world logic.

  11. "Same thing happened to my child. He argued that he did not need to estimate because he knew how to do the problem..."

    Maybe so, but IF the problems included instructions to estimate, that's the method you're supposed to use. We don't see the instructions here.

  12. Say it isn't so. Get your children OUT of Government/Public schools NOW. What on earth are you waiting for???

  13. What is going to happen when they are out of school and must pay their bills? Do you really think their phone, electric or mortgage company are going to be ok with them rounding numbers? I can see a lot of late charges coming their way.

  14. I thought I had it bad under "no child Left behind" the generation after this is completely clueless. Ask the federal government to teach our kids math when the federal governments math gave us the tax code and our current budget.

  15. 75 is a reasonable answer because it's the correct answer. The teachers I know hate the new math. There was nothing wrong with simple adding and subtracting and rounding off numbers, etc. But students today score less than when we did in the 50s and 60s and we can actually add and subtract in our heads!

  16. I teach a higher level subject that has a need for estimating skills. The directions most likely directed the student to estimate. Yes the problem was easy but they wont always be easy. When the student cant easily solve the problem and they cant estimate because all the idiots called for the firing of teachers because they dare to teach an important math skill to their children, those same idiots will once again be calling for the firing of the teacher because their child doesnt know the math skill. There is more to math skills than simple addition. People that are ignorant should keep it to themselves. The good teachers and supervisors realize that these educational fads are short lived and teach the kids properly regardless of the political atmosphere. All you people with a hot poker up your butt need to chill. No wonder the kids now days are so screwed up with parents like that.

  17. She was marked down because she showed her work to be not a product of rounding (103 down to 100, 28 up to 30), but one of subtraction.
    The lesson intended to be learned was about rounding, not subtracting, just as it was when it was taught to me by Mrs. Ellis, my 3rd grade teacher, in about 1957.

  18. So, what is the answer?

  19. So all these idiots on here seems to be defending Obama's Common Core.

  20. In recent years Wicomico elementary schools have doubled the time for math instruction, now up to 90 minutes per day. Curiously, high schools are cutting out some of the upper level math courses like Calculus II. So why didn't our best students progress rapidly with twice the time for math instruction? Because they're not a priority, though their scores on grade level state tests are quite important. It's just that they can do most grade level work without instruction.

  21. Teaching estimating came long, long before Common Core. Ask your great grandparents.


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