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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Trump: No Regrets, 'Somebody Has to Say What's Right'

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump isn't backing down in the face of criticism within his own party over his suggestion that all Muslims should be banned from entering the United States until the country can get a grip on Islamic terrorism.

"It's short-term," Trump said of the ban when asked by Barbara Walters in a interview shown Tuesday on ABC's "World News Tonight."

"Let our country get its act together. ... It could be very quickly if our country could get its act together," Trump said. "We need toughness and smartness, and we have to do it quickly."

Walters asked Trump if he regrets having made the suggestion.

"Not at all," he said. "We have to do the right thing. Somebody in this country has to say what's right."



  1. You got that right Mr Trump.

  2. he is only trying to keep us safe!!! what is wrong with that?

  3. The Dems are going to Run Hillary and Michelle O, plain and simple. An unbeatable ticket given the IQ of her supporters. That will start the biggest civil war, the first civil war will be dwarfed by comparison.
    Just saying.
    Some of my family fought in the first and I plan to carry a weapon and fight for the country I love so dearly.

  4. I don't know if he will be elected (the media has already elected Hillary for us), but it's refreshing to see a politician not be PC or measure everything that comes out of his mouth. The NYT used the word 'fascism' in connection with Mr Trump yesterday, but what they fail to see is that just the use of that word tells everyone how bad things have gotten in this country - crime, domestic terrorism, PC thought out of control on our campuses, etc. Let's hope he keeps doing what he's doing.


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