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Saturday, December 19, 2015

Trump: Congress ‘Threw In The Towel’ on Budget Deal

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump told Breitbart News that Republicans in Congress “threw in the towel” when drafting the 2016 budget.

“The only special interest not being served by our government is the American people,” he said late Thursday night.

“If anyone needed more evidence of why the American people are suffering at the hands of their own government, look no further than the budget deal announced by Speaker [Paul] Ryan,” Trump said about the Omnibus spending plan, which will likely be finalized on Friday morning.

The budget allows $1.1 trillion in 2016 spending.

“To avoid a government shutdown, a cowardly threat from an incompetent President, the elected Republicans in Congress threw in the towel and showed absolutely no budget discipline,” he said.

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  1. Is there any wonder why he's leading in the polls and SHOULD become our next President?

  2. He is exactly right. It's time to support Trump or anyone like him. To fund 300,000 Muslims coming to the U.S. is just plain stupid.


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